- Who are Able to Resolve the Asymmetry of Information? 谁能根除信息不对称?
- In fact, the asymmetry of information is the result of monopolization of the real estate market. 本文比较了都存在信息不对称性的家庭装修市场和房地产市场不同的市场结构,不同的发展结果。
- In addition, Strategy alliances economize transaction cost, solve the asymmetry of information, and accomplish the advantage of cost. 此外,战略联盟还为企业节省交易成本、解决信息不对称问题、实现成本优势等提供了一种全新的选择,它的出现对企业战略管理目标的实现是有着划时代意义的。
- Asymmetry of information will exert an unfavorable influence on both parties, namely operators and consumers in the tourist market. 摘要旅游市场活动中信息不对称对于交易双方即经营者和消费者都会产生不利的影响。
- In this sense the present model stresses the asymmetry of information emphasized in the theory of regulation developed by Laffont and Tirole(1993). 因此,目前的模式体现了拉夫特和特罗伊(在1993年)管理控制(视专业不同,翻译可能会不一样)发展论中所强调的信息不对称。
- The shareholder can make use of the inquiry right to eliminate the asymmetry of information from the managers, and to reduce the agency cost making for reasonable corporate governance. 摘要股东通过质询能够有效消除与管理层之间的信息不对称,继而减少两权分离后的代理成本,形成合理的公司治理。
- Abstract : The State-Owned Assets(SOAs)cann’t be deterred in the attorning process even through auction due to the uncertainty of the value of assets and the asymmetry of information. 摘要 在国有资产转让过程中,由于资产价值的不确定性以及信息不对称,即便是采取市场拍卖的方式,也不能保证国有资产不流失。
- He's mine of information about insects. 他在昆虫方面有着渊博的知识。
- He has secret channels of information. 他有秘密的消息来源。
- My neighbor is a mine of information about history. 我的一位邻居历史知识十分渊博。
- This map is sparing of information. 这地图内容贫乏。
- The book is a cornucopia of information. 书是知识的宝库。
- A good encyclopaedia is a mine of information. 一部好的百科全书是一座知识宝库。
- A Study on the Asymmetry of Information Resources on Interned 网络信息资源不对称性研究
- My grandmother is a mine of information about our family's history. 我的祖母是我们家史的资料库。
- Mr. Chairman, on a point of information I utterly reject that view. 主席先生,关于信息的问题,我绝对不接受那种观点。
- We are now in a great new era of information. 我们现在正处于一个新的伟大的信息时代。
- Because of the asymmetries of information, the volatility of currencies, and the typically undercapitalized position of the retail forex trader, discipline is all the more critical. 由于信息的不对称,货币的易变性(波动性),和通常散户外汇交易者的资金不足的处境,纪律就更加重要了!
- He has a whole stable of informers working for him. 他有一群告密者为他效劳。
- Symmetry and Asymmetry of the Asian and Australian Summer Monsoons. 亚洲和澳大利亚夏季风的对称和非对称。