- I assume you've decided against buying a new car. 我想你已经决定不买新汽车了。
- We cannot assume anything in this case. 在这种情形下我们无法作任何揣测。
- It is logical to assume that they will attend. 按理他们是会出席的。
- They naively assume things can only get better. 他们天真地以为情况只会变好。
- It would be a mistake to assume we've heard the last of this issue. 别以为我们不再过问这事。
- It's erroneous to assume that the press always print the truth. 认为新闻报导总是发表真相,这是错误的。
- I made a mistake and I will assume responsibility for it. 我错了,我愿为此承担责任。
- She was in arrogance to assume she would win every time. 她认为每次都能赢,未免太自大了。
- I come before you and assume the presidency at a moment rich with promise. 我在你们面前就总统职,正是一个前途充满希望的时刻。
- Scientists assume there is no animal life on Mars . 科学家们假定火星上没有生命存在。
- To cause to assume a leaning or prone position. 靠使之处于斜倚或被支撑的位置
- We must assume our share of the responsibility. 我们必须分担我们的责任。
- We should not be afraid to assume responsibilities. 要敢于负责,不要怕。
- He tried hard to assume a natural expression. 他用尽全力在脸上装出一副坦然的表情来。
- I tried my best to assume an airy manner. 我尽量摆出一副大大咧咧的样子。
- Until next time, assume the position. 下一次前,设想好这个姿势。
- We assume that the bodies obey Newton's Third Law. 设物体遵从牛顿第三定律。
- Scientists assume there is no animal life on Mars. 科学家们假定火星上没有生命存在。
- We assume that no interconversion takes place. 我们假设没有互变发生。
- To assume a spiral or curved shape. 呈现盘旋状,呈现螺旋状