- association semantic field 语境
- Interrelationship and interplay of various words in semantic field are language dependent. 语义场中各个词项之间的语义关系是相互依赖的,
- Second, in the operation of sememe analysis, it is two key procedures that establish semantic field and draw sememe,... “语素借助式”与“字符借助式”的义素分析并不足以推崇。
- Words consisted in the same semantic field are not necessarily defined as one same exact meaning in the different languages. 构成同一语义场中的各个词项的词义值在不同语言中并非一一对应。
- The thesis describes and analyzes English and Chinese cooking words by using the method of componential analysis within cooking semantic field. 本论文在语义场理论的框架下用成分分析法对英汉烹饪词汇进行了描绘和对比分析。
- Chapter one classifies commonly used Mongol nouns according to semantic field theory and lays a foundation for the study of Sememe analysis and Sememe combination. 第一章,基于语义场理论方法,对蒙古语常用名词做语义分类,从而对义素分析和义位组合研究打下了基础。
- Under the influence of the internal tension, glossememe can consonstant.ly break and form a sememe Sememe can extend and gather together and form semantic field. 在内部张力作用下,义素能突破自身层面形成新义位,义位能伸张、类聚,构成词义场。
- The author briefly makes out the limitations and shortcomings of semantic feature theory, semantic field theory and truth conditional theory in analyzing polysemy. 作者简要分析了语义成分分析法, 语义场理论及真值条件理论在阐释一词多义时的局限性。
- This article takes the analysis of original meaning of words as the main branch and reveals the relationship between some representative words in the semantic field of beauty and Chinese traditional aesthetics. 以字源义的分析为切入口,揭示了美义场中某些有代表意义的字所反映的中国传统审美观念:秀、、表现出对自然、真的肯定;美、、、和丰、、从两个方面表现出人类对于旺盛生命的赞美;善、、、,臧、和婉分别从三个角度表现了特定宗法制度下人们的审美观点。
- This paper, taking "Longman Lexicon of Contemporary English" as an example, with the theoretical support of semantic field, aims to find out the feasibility of semantic field theory in the compiling of classified dictionary. 本文以《朗文多功能分类词典》为例,结合语义场理论,探讨语义场理论在分类词典编撰中的应用。
- In semantic field, according to dictionary interpretation, use componential analysis extract semantic features, summarize marking group of semantic features and model of semantic combination. 在义场中根据词典释义,运用义征分析方法,逐个提取语义特征,并归纳义征标记集和语义组合模型。
- In semantic field, according to dictionary interpretation, used componential analysis extract semantic features, summarized marking group of semantic features and description framework. 在义场中根据词典释义,运用义征分析方法,逐个提取语义特征,并归纳义征标记集和描写框架。
- It includes four parts, they are “tragedy” as a linguistic symbol revealing the basic principles, the “tragedy” in the textual environment, “tragedy” semantic field, “tragedy” seme analysis. 这一部分实际是由四节组成,即“悲剧”一词作为一个语言符号所显示出的一般原则;上下义关系视野下的“悲剧”;“悲剧”语义场;“悲剧”义素分析。
- The thesis contrasts cooking words in two aspects: degree of lexicalization and cooking semantic fields. 本论文从词化程度和语义场两个方面对英汉烹饪词汇进行了对比。
- This paper describes and analyzes the construction and types of the semantic fields in the Chinese vocabulary system, and discusses relative questions. 文章描述分析了现代汉语词汇系统中语义场的结构和类型,并讨论了相关的问题。
- The field artillery pounded away at the for tress. 野战炮兵连续炮击那座要塞。
- Words in the same language region can form the reference objects semantics field by reference object coordinate. 同一论域中的词语,以参照体为坐标就形成参照体语义场。
- I benefited a lot from my association with him. 我与他交往获益良多。
- The association is under the auspices of Word Bank. 这个组织是在世界银行的赞助下办的。
- The Constructions and Types of the Semantic Field 语义场的结构和类型