- They settled in New York, where he did magazine illustration and she worked as an assistant designer for Brooks Costumes, the theatrical costumer. 他们在纽约安顿下来,在这里他为杂志创作插图,而她成为戏服供应商布鲁克斯服装的一名助理设计师。
- Computer assistant design(especially CAD technique and virtual reality technique)and Internet technology provide tech flat roof for virtual design. 计算机辅助设计(特别是CAD技术和虚拟现实技术)和internet网络技术为虚拟设计提供了科技平台。
- In this paper, it introduces main feature and design step of the program about computer assistant design for Kaplan turbine runner. 主要介绍轴流式转轮计算机辅助设计程序的开发要点、设计步骤和程序的主要特点。
- Objective To review a case of femoral head dysbaric osteonecrosis treated with computer assistant design and custom made total hip replacement. 目的小结计算机辅助定制型人工关节对1例减压性股骨头坏死的治疗效果。
- Furthermore, it can show the subjective consciousness of the user in a structure way and assist designer to determine a more rational and conformable judgment. 此外,层级分析程序能够将使用者的主观意识藉由结构化的方式呈现出来,可以协助决策者作出更为理性且符合需求的判断。
- Assist design engineer for prototype testing. Work with design engineer in co-develop processes in harmony with product design. 协助设计工程师进行样品试验。与设计工程师共同开发与产品设计协调的工作流程。
- The software is composed of design module, assistant design module and DBMS. Organized by Database, data stream transmission can fetch data automatically. 该软件由设计分析模块、辅助分析模块以及数据库管理模块为主体,整个软件在数据库管理的组织下,能自动实现从数据库中存取数据,实现了数据流的自动传递。
- The results of this study could help surgeons in selecting suitable devices for their patients and assist design engineers in developing new orthopaedic implants. 本论文中,股骨螺丝与锁定内钉的几何参数与研究成果,可提供往后工程界或医学界研发人员,创新与设计新型植入物的重要参考与依据。
- Custom made total hip prosthesis was prepared by means of computer assistant design and manufacture(CAD/CAM) techniques,and then arthroplasty was performed. 结果定制假体安置方便,与骨腔匹配好,增强了假体稳定性,缓解了疼痛,改善了髋关节功能。
- The passive coax networks design problem can be solved when we apply evolutionary algorithms to the two-way HFC system. After improved with evolutionary algorithms, the assistant design software could fleetly plan optimistic two-way HFC network. 利用进化算法能够解决HFC无源同轴分配网络的设计问题,对现有的辅助设计软件进行改进后,能够快速设计优化的双向HFC网络,解决HFC网络设计中的困难。
- Over all, this would assist designers in constructing all-new knowledge of industrial design model fleetly and using the model technique efficiently during design process. 辅助设计师快速建立数字时代工业设计模型知识结构,并且在设计实践中优质高效地使用模型方法。
- The assistant designs -- in the Chinese clothing, processes the landscape painting direct picture on clothes with the postprocessing. 助理设计--在中国服饰,将山水画直接画在衣服上与后加工处理。
- Meanwhile, the method is operated easily, The paper also introduces assistant designing tools which is named EROM (Entity Relation Computer Method) for database. 同时该方法可操作性较强。 本文还介绍了自行设计的ERCM数据库辅助设计工具。
- AOP takes advantage of the Test-Driven Development (TDD) technique for assisting design and testing at the same time. AOP利用了驱动测试开发(TDD)技术来辅助设计,同时进行测试。
- The president will accredit you as his assistant. 董事长将任命你做他的助理。
- He assist me with my income tax return. 他帮助我填写所得税申报单。
- My assistant will stand in for me while I'm away. 我不在的时候我的助手将代表我处理事务。
- Even an oversight in the design might issue in heavy losses. 设计中那怕是一点点疏忽也可能造成重大的损失。
- Jack used to assist Mary in her lessons. 杰克过去常常帮助玛丽学习功课。
- The designer is hip to the latest fashion. 设计师对时装的最新款式了如指掌。