- Determining the class of portal you will build helps you define the bulk of the work items for implementation and affects how you assign resources in your project. 其原因在于,确定将构件的门户的类型有助于您定义实现的大部分工作项,并且影响您在项目中分配资源的方式。
- If you don't assign resources to tasks in your project, Project calculates the schedule using durations, task dependencies, constraints, and project and task calendar information. 如果没有为项目中的任务分配资源,Project将使用工期、任务相关性、限制和项目及任务日历信息计算日程。
- Portion of the view, change the individual work value (or hours) for the assigned resource. 部分中,更改已分配资源的单个工时值(或工时数)。
- Values in the Material Label and Type (Resource fields) and Assignment Resource Type (Assignment field) are also lost. 在“材料”标签、“类型”(“资源”域)以及“工作分配资源类型”(“工作分配”域)中的值将会丢失。
- Is redistributed to the remaining assigned resources. 将重新分摊给其余的已分配资源。
- Or overtime work (overtime: The amount of work on an assignment that is scheduled beyond the regular working hours of an assigned resource and charged at the overtime rate. 量或加班工时(加班:为工作分配排定的在所分配资源的常规工作时间之外、按加班费率付费的工时量。
- If you don't assign resources to tasks in your project, Microsoft Project calculates the schedule using task durations, task dependencies, constraints, and project and task calendar information. 如果没有为项目中的任务分配资源,那么Microsoft Project将使用任务工期、任务相关性、限制以及项目日历和任务日历选项来计算日程。
- If you do assign resources, the tasks are also scheduled according to resources'calendars and assignment units, providing for more accurate scheduling. 如果分配了资源,那么还将根据资源的日历和工作分配单位来排定任务的日程,以提供更加详细的日程排定。
- Do you hope to be assign to work in country? 你希望分配到农村工作吗?
- Assign a resource to a task Updated! 为任务分配资源!
- We cannot assign a cause to these events. 我们无法说明发生这些事件的原因。
- The psychologist always assign work to each researcher. 这位心理学家总是将工作分派给每个研究员。
- It is impossible to assign an exact date to this building. 确定这座建筑物的确切年代是不可能的。
- Assigned to the removed resources is redistributed to the remaining assigned resources. 会重新分配给剩余的已分配资源。
- For duration based estimation, the assigned resources don't affect the fixed duration of the task, but only the costs. 对于基于持续时间的评估,指派的资源不影响固定的工作持续时间,而只影响成本。
- Can we assign jealousy as the motive for the crime? 我们能否确定这一犯罪动机是出于嫉妒?
- As you remove assigned resources from tasks, the durations (duration: The total span of active working time that is required to complete a task. 当从任务中删除已分配资源时,这些任务的工期(工期:完成任务所需的有效工作时间的总范围。
- Shall we assign Thursdays for our weekly meetings? 我们把每周例会定在星期四好吗?
- The system better solved a problem of assigning resources and conflict of arranging schedule between school and college zones. 本系统较好地解决了多个校区、多个学院之间的分配资源和排课冲突问题。
- Provides step-by-step instructions for manually adding resource files to managed projects, accessing resources, displaying static resources, and assigning resource strings to properties. 提供手动向托管项目中添加资源文件、访问资源、显示静态资源以及将资源字符串赋值给属性的分步介绍。