- assert a maritime claim 海事索赔
- "Claimant" means a person who alleges that a maritime claim existsin his favour. “请求人”系指提出存在对其有利的海事请求的人。
- A maritime claimant may apply to arrest the goods on board for ensuring the fulfillment of his maritime claim. 第四十四条海事请求人为保障其海事请求的实现,可以申请扣押船载货物。
- "Arrest" means the detention of a ship by judicial process tosecure a maritime claim, but does not include the seizure of a ship inexecution or satisfaction of a judgment. “扣押”系指通过司法程序滞留船舶,以保全海事请求,但不包括执行或满足某项判决中船舶的扣留。
- A maritime injunction shall not be restrained by a jurisdiction agreement or an arbitration agreement relating to the maritime claim as agreed upon between the parties. 第五十三条海事强制令不受当事人之间关于该海事请求的诉讼管辖协议或者仲裁协议的约束。
- Article62 Maritime evidence preservation means any of compulsory measures by which a maritime court obtains, retains or seals up evidence related to the maritime claim on application by the maritime claimant. 第六十二条海事证据保全是指海事法院根据海事请求人的申请,对有关海事请求的证据予以提取、存或者封存的强制措施。
- Maritime evidence preservation means any of compulsory measures by which a maritime court obtains, retains or seals up evidence related to the maritime claim on application by the maritime claimant. 第六十二条海事证据保全是指海事法院根据海事请求人的申请,对有关海事请求的证据予以提取、保存或者封存的强制措施。
- Analysis of a mediation case of a maritime claim confirming action 海事债权确权诉讼调解案评析
- Yorkshire is a maritime county of England. 约克夏是英格兰的一个海洋郡。
- where the shipowner is held responsible for a maritime claim and is the owner of the ship when the arrest is executed; (一)船舶所有人对海事请求负有责任,并且在实施扣押时是该船的所有人;
- This book asserts a contrary theme. 这本书却要唱一唱反调。
- The maritime claim attached by a maritime lien has not been enforced within one year of the existence of such maritime lien; 具有船舶优先权的海事请求,自优先权产生之日起满一年不行使;
- The letter asserts a free society. 这封信断言一个自由社会将会出现。
- A maritime claimant may not apply to arrest a ship having been arrested for the same maritime claim, except that any of the following circumstances exists 第二十四条海事请求人不得因同一海事请求申请扣押已被扣押过的船舶,但有下列情形之一的除外
- Where the bareboat charterer of the ship is held responsible for a maritime claim and is the bareboat charterer or the owner of the ship when the arrest is executed; 船舶的光船承租人对海事请求负有责任,并且在实施扣押时是该船的光船承租人或者所有人;
- 2) where the bareboat charterer of the ship is held responsible for a maritime claim and is the bareboat charterer or the owner of the ship when the arrest is executed; (二)船舶的光船承租人对海事请求负有责任,并且在实施扣押时是该船的光船承租人或者所有人;
- He was finally able to assert a moral position that is exactly the reverse of his initial belief. 他终于得出了与他最初的信仰完全相反的道德主张。
- 25."Arrest" means the detention of a ship by judicial process tosecure a maritime claim, but does not include the seizure of a ship inexecution or satisfaction of a judgment. “扣押”系指通过司法程序滞留船舶,以保全海事请求,但不包括执行或满足某项判决中船舶的扣留。
- With the merchants of a maritime country conditions are otherwise. 海洋国家的商人,情况就是另一个样子。
- Hadid a performing arts center and Tadao Ando a maritime museum. 哈蒂女士则设计表演艺术中心,安藤忠雄设计海洋博物馆。