- assembler directive commands 汇编程序引导指令
- The army is under the king's direct command. 军队由国王直接统率。
- assembler directive command 汇编程序控制命令, 汇编程序控制指令
- The army is under the king rs direct command. 军队由国王直接统率。
- The army is under his direct command. 陆军是在他的直接指挥之下。
- The army is under his direct command . 陆军是在他的直接指挥之下。
- The army is now under the direct command of General Barton. 陆军现在由巴顿将军直接指挥。
- This is an assembler directive, telling the assembler to use 80386 instruction set. 这是一个汇编伪指令,它告诉汇编程序用80386的指令集。
- The class of officers in direct command of warships or of army combat units. 指挥官直接指挥军舰或军事单位的军官
- China's nuclear force is under the direct command of the Central Military Commission (CMC). 中国的核武装力量直接由中央军事委员会指挥。
- An assembler directive that specifies that what follows should be allotted storage space for one computer word, in some assemblers. 某些汇编程序中使用的一种汇编说明,它规定了应给在此之后的部分分配一个计算机字的存储空间。
- In other countries there is no need for each of the bourgeois parties to have an armed force under its direct command. 外国的资产阶级政党不需要各自直接管领一部分军队。
- Assembly directives are commands to the assembler. Directives are case insensitive. 编译指令是编译器的命令。
- It also warned that other groups outside its direct command may not respect the ceasefire. 该组织还警告说,其他不受它直接指挥的组织有可能不遵守这一停火的决定。
- The nuclear-powered submarine force,which assumes the strategic nuclear counterattack mission,is under the direct command of the CMC. 担负战略核反击任务的核动力潜艇部队,直接由中央军委指挥。
- The strategic nuclear missile force,under the direct command of the CMC,constitutes the main part of China's limited nuclear counterattack capability. 战略核导弹部队是一支具有一定规模和实战能力的主要核反击作战力量,直接由中央军委指挥。
- The strategic nuclear missile force, under the direct command of the CMC, constitutes the main part of China's limited nuclear counterattack capability. 战略核导弹部队是一支具有一定规模和实战能力的主要核反击作战力量,直接由中央军委指挥。
- The nuclear-powered submarine force, which assumes the strategic nuclear counterattack mission, is under the direct command of the CMC. 担负战略核反击任务的核动力潜艇部队,直接由中央军委指挥。
- He was left only with the 4th Army and the 2nd Corps under his direct command, with which he finished the clean up of Southern Bessarabia by 26 July. 安东内斯库只留下了罗马尼亚第4集团军与第2军在他的直接指挥下,他指挥这些部队在7月26日清除了南比萨拉比亚的残余之敌。
- I am writing to requesta copy of the full set of assembly directions for the model. 我想索取有关组装模型的具体操作资料。