- The quality control of asphalt concrete pavement of high grade highway involves layers of cushion, base and surface. 高等级公路沥青混凝土路面施工质量控制包括垫层、基层和面层施工质量控制。
- How to prevent the appearance of reflection cracks after the cement concrete pavement is covered by the asphalt concrete mixture? 如何防治水泥混凝土路面上加铺沥青混凝土面层后产生的反射裂缝?
- The fatigue life prediction of asphalt concrete pavement is very important for the design and construction of the pavement. 沥青混凝土路面疲劳寿命预测对路面的设计、施工具有重要的意义。
- At last of the paper, the typical structure and design are recommended for asphalt concrete pavement and cement concrete pavement over the culvert or underpass. 最后,根据所研究的结果,提出了涵洞、通道上的沥青混凝土路面和水泥混凝土路面的结构设计原则及典型结构。
- The tests and assessment on the noise-damping performance of draining asphalt concrete pavement in the Expressway from Wuhan to Yingshan(Chenjiaji Section) are conducted. 对汉英高速公路(谌家矶段)透水型沥青混凝土路面试验段的噪声性能进行了现场测试评价。
- Based on construction examples, this paper discusses the confirmation of rolling equipment and techniques for asphalt concrete pavement construction and the relation between them. 结合施工实例,对沥青混凝土路面施工碾压设备及工艺的确定及两者之间的关系进行了讨论。
- Roughness control of asphalt concrete pavement 沥青砼路面的平整度控制
- colored asphalt concrete pavement 彩色沥青混凝土路面
- steel deck asphalt concrete pavement 钢桥面沥青混凝土铺装
- bottom surface of asphalt concrete pavement 沥青混凝土面层底面
- ultra-thin asphalt concrete pavement 超薄沥青混凝土
- Additional layer of asphalt concrete pavement 沥青混凝土路面加铺层
- Rutting is the accumulation of permanent deformation when asphalt concrete pavements are under the repeated application of traffic loads, and is one of the major damage of pavement. 车辙是沥青路面在交通荷载反复作用下产生的竖向永久变形的积累,是路面的主要损坏形式之一。
- asphalt concreter pavement 沥青混凝土路面
- Disposal of the Cracks of the Asphalt Concrete Pavement 沥青混凝土路面裂缝的处治
- The compaction and seam of the mixed hot asphalt concrete pavement 热拌沥青混凝土路面的压实及接缝
- Prevention Measures against Asphalt Concrete Pavement Cracks 沥青混凝土路面裂缝防治
- Application of fiber used for road at the asphalt concrete pavement 路用纤维在沥青混凝土路面中的应用简介
- Influence on Asphalt Concrete Pavement Compaction and Air Voids 沥青混凝土路面压实及压实后孔隙率的影响