- ash brak 秦皮
- Water flows from the condenser to the ash room. 水从冷凝器流出,流入灰浆室。
- Don't drop cigarette ash on the carpet. 别把烟灰落在地毯上。
- The smoldering coal or ash of a dying fire. 余烬将要熄灭的火中的冒着烟的煤块或灰烬
- Stub out your cigarette in the ash tray. 把你俩的香烟在烟灰缸里捻熄。
- I wish he would refrain from scattering his ash all over the carpet. 我希望他不要将烟灰往地毯上乱弹。
- The crude sodium carbonate ash obtained from these plants. 苏打灰从这些植物中获得的粗碳酸钠灰
- The village was overwhelmed by ash from the volcano. 村子被火山灰覆盖。
- Val flipped the ash off his cigarette. 法尔弹掉香烟上的烟灰。
- He picked up the ash tray and put it on the table. 他拾起烟灰缸,放到桌上。
- He tapped his ash into an ashtray. 他把烟灰弹落到烟灰缸。
- Will you hand me the ash tray, please. 请把烟灰缸递给我。
- I'm going to the fancy dress party ash King Henry, who are you going as. 我要打扮成利国王去参加化装舞会,你要打扮成谁?
- Hot ash from John's pipe set fire to the papers. 从约翰的烟斗里倒出来的热烟灰使这些文件烧了起来。
- He accidently pushed an ash tray off the table. 他不小心把烟灰缸从桌上碰落了。
- You shouldn't speak in such way,unless you want to brak up the friendship. 除非你想要断绝和你朋友的关系;否则你决不会以这种方式说话.
- The fire reduced the house to a mass of ash. 大火把房子烧成了灰烬。
- Do not drop cigarette ash on the carpet. 不要把烟灰掉在地毯上。
- There they cool and harden into volcanic ash. 然后在空中它们又冷却变成火山灰。
- Ash began to erupt from the crater. 火山灰开始从火山口喷出。