- The external cause includes unfitting culture conditions, strain aging, unsuitable preservation and infection virus of asexuality propagation. 外因主要包括培养条件不适宜、菌种老化、菌种保藏不当和菌株无性繁殖体感染病毒。
- Study on Technique of Rapid Asexual Propagation of Sequoia sempervirens Lindl. 北美红杉无性快繁技术的研究。
- Advances in the Researches of Corylus Asexuality Propagation 榛子无性繁殖及研究进展
- Cuttings are a means of asexual propagation and may vary in size from buds, leaves or root segments to large shoots. 即取植株营养器官的一部分,枝条,根或叶片插入土中长成完整的植株。
- Apomixis is a mode of reproduction (asexual propagation through seeds) that exists in many plants from different botanical families. 摘要由于利用无融合生殖途径可以固定杂种优势,从而改良现有植物的育种策略,因此对无融合生殖的研究已成为生物学科的新生长点。
- Being one of the main varities of Wuyi Mountain rock teas, narcissus belongs to asexual propagation, large-leaved, and late-matured tea series. 作为武夷岩茶的当家品种之一,水仙茶树品种属无性系、大叶、晚生种型,叶片比普通小叶种大一倍以上,叶质肥厚。
- The yield and quality of pear are greatly taken from virus desease as viruses infecting and accumulating in the pear tree while continually asexual propagation. 梨树在长期的无性繁殖过程中,感染并积累了多种病毒。分布较广泛的有梨环纹花叶病毒、梨脉黄病毒、苹果茎沟病毒,榅桲矮化病毒等。
- Compared with polyploidy breeding of crops, that of woody plants remains superior because of the abundant species resources and asexual propagation, though there are limitations. 与农作物相比,尽管木本植物在多倍体育种中有其缺陷,但木本植物丰富的物种资源及无性繁殖等特性较大程度地发挥了多倍体育种的优越性。
- Study and Experimentation of Planting with Asexuality Propagation Seedlings of Fruit-tomato 温室豆角落花落果的原因及防治措施
- The invention relates to a method for the asexual propagation of Tripterygium wilfordii, which comprises: inducing the clump buds, breeding, culturing the sprout and replanting etc. 本发明涉及一种雷公藤无性繁殖的方法。该方法包括:丛生芽的诱导、增殖、壮苗、生根及移栽等步骤。
- Studies on Asexual Propagation Technique of Lilac 丁香的无性繁殖技术
- In asexually propagated species, variability resulting from recombination may be severely limited, or even precluded. 在无性繁殖物种中,重组产生的变异可能受到严重限制,甚至受到阻止。
- Study on Syringa persica Linn. Asexual propagation 裂叶丁香无性繁殖技术研究
- Study on asexual propagation of tobacco leaf 烟草叶片无性繁殖研究
- Results: All primer pairs except the No.16 could distinguish wild, asexually propagated and sexually propagated individuals of Gastrodia elata Bl. 结果:除引物对16外均能很好地区分野生天麻、无性繁殖天麻及有性繁殖天麻,其中有性繁殖天麻均扩增出2条带,为杂合子;
- The sun sometimes spoils the propagation of radio waves. 太阳有时会影响无线电波的传播。
- asexuality propagation 无性繁殖
- Asexuality = does not have love " . 无性=无爱”。
- Emission and propagation of energy in the form of rays or waves. 发射以光线或波的形式发出和传播能量
- The propagation of animals or plants. 动物的饲养,植物的培植