- That fellow is as timid as a rabbit. 那家伙胆小如鼠。
- It's no use expecting Arthur to stand up for himself: he's as timid as a mouse. Somebody else will have to protect his interests. 不要指望阿瑟会站起来为自己说话,他胆小如鼠。要有别的人来保护他的利益。
- as timid as rabbit 胆小如鼠
- You are every inch as timid as a mouse.Just speak up! 你真是十足地胆小如鼠。大声说出来吧!
- The little girl is as timid as a hare, shy in the presence of strangers. 这小姑娘胆子特别小, 怕人。
- Her shy eyes dodging our line of sight, appears as timid as a mouse, accustomed to self-conscious of the Ni. 她那害羞的眼神躲着我们的视线,显得胆小如鼠,忸忸怩怩的。
- He is as timid as a sheep. 他像绵羊一样怯懦。
- What "as timid as a mouse", this is not to force all of you, we will then see around, sticks to wait, we can not do timid? 还有什么“胆小如鼠”,这还不都是你们给逼的,见到我们就那么声色俱厉、耀武扬威、棍棒伺候,我们能不胆小吗?
- Timid as Carrie was, she was strong in capability. 嘉莉虽然胆子很小,但是能力很强。
- I saw a lot of animals there, such as rabbit, zebra, and pig. 在那儿我看到了好多好多的动物,例如兔子,斑马,还有小猪。
- Timid as she is,she knows how to tell right from wrong. 虽然她胆小,她懂得怎样区分是非黑白。
- as timid as a rabbit 胆小如兔.
- Timid as she is, she know how to tell right from wrong. 虽然她胆小,她懂得怎样区分是非黑白。
- The commonly known as rabbit, mammals LAGOMORPHA, herbivorous invertebrates. 兔的俗称,是哺乳类兔形目、草食性脊椎动物。
- as timid as a hare rabbit 胆小如鼠
- Timid as she is, she knows how to tell right from wrong. 虽然她胆小,她懂得怎样区分是非黑白。
- One would certainly have thought that Milady, timid as women are generally, would have tried to stop the quarrel. 人们一定会以为米拉蒂会像普通胆小怕事的女人那样竭力劝阻这场争吵。
- American writer particularly known for his tragicomic novels,such as Rabbit,Run(1960) and Rabbit at Rest(1990),which concern the trials of middle-class American suburbanites. 厄普代克,约翰·霍伊尔生于1932美国作家,尤以其悲喜夹杂的小说而闻名,这类小说包括兔子,快跑(1960年)和兔子在休息(1990年),它们讲述的是居住在郊区的美国中产阶级的苦恼和磨难。
- Hepainted Greenpeace as timid for its failure to prevent refuelling: “Of courseit's dangerous. 他把绿色和平组织未能成功阻止日本船加油归结为胆小:“当然很危险。
- You may be5)perceived as timid, shy, uncertain, unsure of yourself, or unknowledgeable about your subject. 你给人的印象就会是:胆小害羞、不自信或对自己要说的话题并不确定。