- as clouds racked by. 当云层快速飘过时
- Any thing is the cloud rack, include english. 任何东东都是云架子,包括英语。
- The dog was already racked by the pains of old age. 那只狗早就为衰老带来的病痛所折磨。
- I looked up and saw the clouds rack at an unusual rate. 我抬头看到云朵在顺风飞驰。
- They have been racked by bitter quarrels. 激烈的争吵使他们不得安生。
- As clouds from yonder sun receive. 就如同夕阳为远方的云朵.
- Software Description: About Puppy Dog, This screen saver has a puppy chasing a couple birds as clouds float by. 这个屏幕保护程序包括一只小狗和一对的鸟儿。
- An optical device designed to project images of atmospheric phenomena, such as clouds, on the inside of a dome. 气象仪将大气现象的映像,如云,投射到一个圆顶内侧的一种光学装置
- They needed no second warning as clouds and beasts both came to life. 无需第二次警告,雨云和野兽都开始活动。
- The coughing fits, which I had found heartrending whenever I heard her racked by them, had almost completely gone. 这样的事她过去是从来未曾有过的。
- On February 9th he visited Elkhart, a town racked by job losses since the local recreational-vehicle factories started cutting back. 2月9号,他访问了埃尔德哈特,一个因当地的房车工厂裁员而饱受失业之苦的城镇。
- As clouds often shut out the sun, hot weather never stays long, and this makes Mount Huangshan an ideal summer resort. 由于云海常常遮住太阳,炎热的天气从来不会长久,这就使得黄山成为理想的避暑胜地。
- The merchant took his hat from a rack by the door and prepared to depart for the evening. 这商人从门口架子上取下他的帽子,准备出去消磨黄昏。
- When the bird rouses itself and flies, its wings are as clouds, hanging over the sky. 这句很平易,无须多加解释。怒而飞,其翼若垂天之云。
- "We come as clouds to bless the Hopi people" is a quote passed from generation to generation. “我们像云那样飘来祝福霍皮人”就是一代传给一代的引证。
- As clouds may obstruct the observation, the image is usually constructed from a number of satellite observations over the same region. 由于云层阻碍观测,图像一般是由数次同范围卫星观测所合成的。
- Behold, he shall come up as clouds, and his chariots shall be as a whirlwind: his horses are swifter than eagles. Woe unto us! for we are spoiled. 看哪,仇敌必如云上来。他的战车如旋风,他的马匹比鹰更快。我们有祸了。我们败落了。
- He was racked by doubts. 疑虑折磨着他。
- With Baghdad racked by bomb attacks, a wave of kidnappings and widespread crime, few Iraqis bother going to the theater. 巴格达饱受炸弹侵袭之苦,绑架事件频频发生,犯罪活动猖獗,在这种情况下,伊拉克人根本没有心思去剧场看演出。
- Racked by a recession, Japan could now be headed for one of the biggest political upheavals a country has seen since the end of WWII. 受到此次经济危机的冲击,日本现在可能要经历一场巨大的政治变革,这场变革可能是二战后最重大的国家政治变革之一。