- Some of the works lack artistic quality. 有些作品艺术性不强。
- We must note that some of the imported films lack artistic quality. 我们要注意有些进口影片艺术性不够强。
- A graphic work, irrespective of its artistic quality, is an artistic work. 图画作品不论其艺术特质如何,它首先是艺术作品。
- Literary works of high artistic quality are usually highly influential. 艺术性强的文学作品往往有较强的感染力。
- Some works which politically are downright reactionary may have a certain artistic quality. 有些政治上根本反动的东西,也可能有某种艺术性。
- These works were far surpassed in artistic quality by Sea Lilt written by Zhao in 1927. 在时间上是最早,但其艺术质量却远远不如赵氏1927年所作清唱剧《海韵》。
- Works of art which lack artistic quality have no force,however progressive they are politically. 缺乏艺术性的艺术品,无论政治上怎样进步,也是没有力量的。
- Qianshu (Book of Profoundness), the collection of his prose, has not only academic quality, but also artistic quality. 思想深刻,文情激越是唐甄散文最为突出的特点。
- The title of his thesis is "Some Opinions on the Artistic Quality of Journalism". 他毕业论文的题目是《试论新闻工作的艺术性》。
- Only beautiful style, made sure here collect admires gender, artistic quality, applicability at an organic whole. 唯美的格调,保证了这里集欣赏性、艺术性、适用性于一体。
- Only when a work of art has ideological content and artistic quality can it be popular with the masses. 思想性、艺术性都具备的文艺作品才能够深入人心。
- The more reactionary their content and the higher their artistic quality, the more poisonous they are to the people, and the more necessary it is to reject them. 内容愈反动的作品而又愈带艺术性,就愈能毒害人民,就愈应该排斥。
- In the past it was frequently safe to assume that any relationship between the Oscars and artistic quality was coincidental. 过去,奥斯奖的得主与艺术价值之间的任何联系几乎都可以理解为巧合。
- Products design novel style, terse elegant, exquisite craft, good quality, graceful line, unique style, it has artistic quality stronger. 产品款式设计新颖、简洁秀气、工艺精致、质量上乘、线条优美、风格独特、具有极强的艺术性。
- A fine teaching website, must be scientific, has the education significance, technicality and artistic quality at the same time. 一个良好的教学网站,必须同时具备科学性、教育性、技术性和艺术性。
- Those who see these are full of artistic quality is masterly the china handicraft of craft is tasted, can you think of to have? 作品描绘的是一个憨态可掬的小丑乘风破浪地行驶在海上的情景。
- These activities represented by quilting, display fully the extraordinary creativity of black women and the artistic quality of black woman culture. 以缝制被子为代表的各种传统活动,充分展示了黑人妇女非凡的创造性,体现了黑人妇女文化的艺术魅力。
- Its series of works to have a strong artistic quality, collection and practicality has become a rare high aesthetic value of art treasures. 其系列作品具有极强的艺术性、收藏性和有用性,成为不可多得的具有较高审美价值的艺术珍品。
- According to the artistic criterion,all works of a higher artistic quality are good or comparatively good,while those of a lower artistic quality are bad or comparatively bad. 按着艺术标准来说,一切艺术性较高的,是好的,或较好的;艺术性较低的,则是坏的,或较坏的。