- artistic form of architecture 建筑艺术形式
- Decoration is a form of artistic presentation of architecture and the stylistic features of architecture to a great extent originate from the decoration of architecture. 摘要装饰是建筑的艺术表现形式之一,建筑的风格特征在很大程度上来源于建筑装饰。
- Butter sculpture is a unique artistic form of the Zang nationality, the sculptural flowers and birds are true to life. 酥油花是藏族特有的艺术形式,雕塑的花鸟等物惟妙惟肖。
- Lyrics of popular songs, as a special artistic form of language, often exploit some rhetorical devices transcending conventional rhetoric. 摘要流行歌曲的歌词作为一种特殊的语言艺术形式,所运用的修辞常常是对常规修辞的超越。
- The usualdirect feeling of the outer form of nature becomes the exploration to the pure artistic form andvisual space ---transcendentalist visual structure. 从形式上和生理上理解自然世界中的形式和空间,转向了对艺术本质中纯粹形式和可视空间的欣赏和探索,探究的是一种抽象的视觉形式结构。
- It is the practice of teaching which fosters the full and harmonious development of the students through the beaching materials itself and the artistic form of teaching . 它是指通过挖掘教学内容本身的内在美和运用教学形式艺术化的外在美来促进学生素质全面和谐发展的教学。
- Dwelling south Anhui province has excellence inhabitation environment,because it has pattern of particular space and form of architecture. 皖南民居以其独特的空间模式和建筑造型成为民居大家庭里的一只奇葩。
- Artistic Form of Expression of Structure in Architecture 结构在建筑中的艺术表现力
- That style of architecture is too ornate for my taste. 那种建筑风格太华丽了,不对我的口味。
- The style of architecture originated from the ancient Greeks. 这种建筑风格起源于古希腊。
- The artistic form of Lin Huiyin s poetry is compatible with the poet s own life experience,which is the poet s observation and thinking of the physical reality and the life existence. 林徽因诗歌的艺术形式与诗人自身内在的生命体验是一致的,体现了诗人对形而下现实生存和形而上生命存在的观察和思考。
- The style of architecture originated from/with the ancient Greeks. 这种建筑风格起源於古希腊。
- The artistic form of Lin Huiyin's poetry is compatible with the poet's own life experience, which is the poet's observation and thinking of the physical reality and the life existence. 摘要林徽因诗歌的艺术形式与诗人自身内在的生命体验是一致的,体现了诗人对形而下现实生存和形而上生命存在的观察和思考。
- Most synthetic detergents are in the form of powder or liquid. 大多数合成洗涤剂呈粉状或液态。
- Looked from the ancient times esthetics angle that, the art of tattoo was one kind of special artistic form of human body decoration, which was a wonder in the art history in the ancient times. 从古代美学的角度来看,纹身是一种特殊的人体装饰艺术形式,是古代民族艺术发展史上的奇葩。
- The ginpole is the simplest form of derrick. 起重吊杆是一种最简单的起重机。
- Animal bionics in the Tujia minority dance is an important content in the Tujia minority dance, and it possesses unique artistic form of expression and deep civilization connotation. 摘要土家族舞蹈中的动物仿生类舞蹈是土家族舞蹈中的一个重要内容,具有独特的艺术表现形式和深刻的文化内涵。
- The Forbidden City is one of the world's greatest works of architecture. 紫禁城是世界上最伟大的建筑之一。
- As an artistic form of the Public, a special epoch, the genre paintings authentically revealed the current features of the general public lives and become extremely significant historical materials. 作为荷兰共和国时代这一特定历史阶段的艺术形式,风俗画真实地展现了当时民众生活的现实面貌,是非常重要的历史资料。
- Some biological molecules have the form of a helix. 有些生物分子呈螺旋状。