- What Are the Marks of Literary and Artistic Achievements? 文艺成就的标志是什么?
- They were responsible for great artistic achievements and strongly influenced their successors. 都取得了很大成就,并对后世产生了较大的影响。
- Although the artistic achievements of directors working in black and white have been considerable ,there is no doubt that the future is with colour. 尽管导演在黑白片中添加了不少艺术成分,无疑彩色还是趋势。
- Although the artistic achievements of directors working in black and white have been considerable , there is no doubt that the future is with colour. 尽管导演在黑白片中添加了不少艺术成分,无疑彩色还是趋势。
- Her poetry, words, culture, Fu, epigraphy, books, paintings everything fine, but in terms of the most outstanding artistic achievements. 她诗、词、文、赋、金石、书、画无所不精,而以词的艺术成就最为突出。
- Although the artistic achievements of Li Po's poetry are generally recognized by the later generations, they often incur the denunciation that he lacks the care for this world. 摘要李白诗作的艺术成就虽为后人所公认,却也往往招致入世关怀不足的诟病。
- Abstract: Mozart's music genre with its perfect form and profound emotional connotation was agreed that reached its artistic achievements in the history of European music of a high level. 内容摘要:莫扎特的音乐作品以其完美的体裁形式和深刻的情感内涵被一致认为其艺术成就达到了欧洲音乐史上的一次高峰。
- The palaces and temples which form the nucleus of this group of secular and religious buildings exemplify the architectural and artistic achievements of China's Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties. 许多的宫殿和寺庙藏身于武当山古建筑群中,有著世俗和宗教并存的景象。而这些建筑群更可说明元、明、清三朝建筑和艺术的成就。
- Allen Ginsberg's unique and innovative art of poetry resulted from the inheritance and development of poetic tradition, and the imitation and reformation of the artistic achievements of other kinds. 金斯柏格独特而全新的诗歌艺术是继承和发扬诗歌传统,借鉴和改造其他门类艺术成就的结果。
- I suppose no artist achieves completely the realization of the dream that obsesses him. 我认为哪个艺术家也不可能把昼夜萦绕在他心头的梦境完全付诸实现。
- The Bronze Age rock carvings in Tanum represent a unique artistic achievement through their rich and varied motifs. 青铜时代岩画在塔努姆代表一个独特的艺术成就通过其丰富多样的图案。
- Through Eveline, we can appreciate the outstanding artistic achievement of James Joyce. 窥斑见豹 ,通过《伊芙琳》读者可以感受这位文学艺术大师的高超艺术成就
- His work was elaborately shown both in forms of picture and text to reminisce his life and artistic achievement. 作品、图片、文字并茂,追忆张先生生平及艺术成就。
- The novel creates all kinds of absolutely lifelike nonentities, which is a great artistic achievement. 小说中描绘了形形色色、惟妙惟肖的小人物,他们是作品艺术上的一大亮点;
- It was during these years that Leonardo hit his stride, reaching new heights of scientific and artistic achievement. 在这些年中达文西的画技有了相当大的进步,达到了科学及艺术上新的高峰。
- The cursive-hand calligraphy of Yan Zhenqing, the famous Tang Dynasty calligrapher, as engraved on wood, marks his artistic achievement at its zenith. 唐代著名书法家颜真卿的草书木刻《争座位贴》,是颜氏登峰造极之作。
- While combs a generation of article development vein, analyzes this literary style the representation and the artistic achievement. 在梳理一代文章发展脉络的同时,分析这一文体的代表性及其艺术成就。
- Artistic people are in a tiny minority in this country. 爱好艺术的人在这个国家只占少数。
- The woman always disparages my achievements. 那个女人常贬低我的成就。
- Despite her outstanding artistic achievement, in a Patriarchal Society, her contribution was left faded from the memory of history. 即使取得了令人瞩目的艺术成就,但是在男权社会里,她的贡献还是被历史所淡忘。