- artificially acquired immunity 人工获得性免疫
- artificial acquired immunity 人工后天免疫
- The healthy bloody Nest is good for health, it can raise the acquired immunity. 血燕能增强免疫力、对身体健康有好处,减压去疲劳,增强记忆力和保持头脑清醒,提高免疫力。
- Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. 全称获得性免疫功能丧失综合症。
- Then they seem to acquire immunity," he explains. 然后,他们似乎就产生了免疫力。
- Acquired immunity, adaptable cytoprotection and RNA interference are organism acquired defense functions. 获得性免疫、适应性细胞保护和RNA干扰均为生物获得性防卫功能。
- First, it was discovered for the first time that Paneth cells of rat can secrete SC and participate in acquired immunity. 1.;首次发现潘氏细胞合成SC,参与获得性免疫;
- Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the airway influenced by genetic and environmental factors and has a strong correlation with atopy and acquired immunity. 支气管哮喘是一种慢性气道炎性疾病,受遗传和环境等因素的影响,同时与过敏和免疫也有密切关系,以气道高反应性为主要特征,其发病率和致死率在逐渐递增,但确切机制尚不清楚。
- AIDS is an acronym for"Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. 艾滋病的全称是"获得性免疫缺损综合征"。
- The main purpose of this paper is to study the intermittence attacks of the vivax malaria in the common strength of the innate immunity and acquired immunity. 本文的主要目的是研究自然免疫和获得性免疫的共同作用对疟疾发作的影响。
- Such is the case with acquired immune deficiency syndrome. 获得性免疫缺损综合症(艾滋病)就是这样一种
- AIDS is short for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. 后天免疫缺损综合症。
- Because there is at this stage no acquired immunity, the bacilli multiply rapidly, eliciting an exudative inflammatory response in which polymorphonuclear leucocytes and monocytes predominate. 因为在此阶段并无后天免疫,杆菌繁殖迅速,从而引起渗出性炎症反应,其中以多形核白细胞和单核白细胞居支配地位。
- There is no cure for the disease Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome or AIDS. 没有一种灵丹妙药能医治后天免疫缺损综合症,或称艾滋
- HIV is the causative agent of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). 人类免疫缺陷病毒 (HIV)是获得性免疫缺陷综合征 (AIDS)的病原体。
- Fearon DT, Lochsley RM. The instructive role of innate immunity in the acquired immune response. Science 1996,272:50. 郭峰钱宝华等.;现代红细胞免疫学[M]
- Fearon DT, Lochsley RM. The instructive role of innate immunity in the acquired immune response. Science 1996;272:50. 郭峰;钱宝华;张乐之.;现代红细胞免疫学
- To acquire immunity to eloquence is of the utmost importance to the citizens of a democracy. 罗素认为;培养对雄辩的免疫力;对民主社会里的公民极为重要.
- Once a cat has been infected with toxoplasmosis, he typically acquires immunity and can only rarely be reinfected. 一旦一只猫感染了弓形虫,它很典型地就会获得免疫,而不会被第二次传染。
- AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) was first reported in 1981 among homosexual men in the United States. 爱滋病(获得性免疫功能丧失综合症)首次于1981年在美国一名同性恋男性身体上被发现。