- A computer screen shows arrival and departure times. 电脑屏幕显示出到达和离开的时间。
- Note: Please pay attention to the arrival and departure dates! 提示:请您注意入境和离境时间!
- arrival and departure line 到发线
- arrival and departure lines 到发线
- Stockholm arrival and departure times are limited by daylight pilotage. 由于领航时间的限制,邮轮只能在白天停靠和驶离斯德哥尔摩。
- After many simulations, using real data to vary arrival and departure times, each plane learned how to avoid an intolerable wait on the tarmac. 在进行了许多次的模拟之后,他们使用了真实的数据进行了测试,如使用各种飞机到达时间与起飞时间,在这次的试验中,飞机学会了如何在停机坪避免难耐的等待。
- Haneda airport in Tokyo comes up best topping the list of combined on-time arrival and departure. 全球起飞与抵达都最准时的机场是日本东京羽田机场。
- We must have your Arrival and Departure Date / Time for the head count of the meals even you don't live here. 不论住宿与否,均须填写到达与离开时日,以便统计用餐人数。
- Their arrival and departure were silent and still, their presence was quiet, reserved, poised and imminently elegant. 我们都是一之子,一师之徒,同胞兄弟姐妹,我们都有这一个缘份,来到了这个人世上,逐渐会发现两个问题:一、知己、知音难寻。
- There are 120 arrivals and departures every day. 每天有120次航班离港和抵港。
- Security guards, operating inside bullet-proof glass cubicles, and speaking through microphones, scrutinized every arrival and departure. 警卫们在装有防弹玻璃的小室里值勤,通过麦克风细致盘问每一个进出的人。
- Control is used to ensure that the user entered a typical date format, and that the tour date falls between the arrival and departure dates. 控件用于确保用户输入典型的日期格式,旅行日期应该介于到达和离去日期之间。
- The arrival and departure times of the buses are planned to coincide comfortably with the beginning and end of the school day. 入出校时间安排在符合学校的上学和放学。
- Security guards, operating inside bullet-proof glass cubicles, and speaking through microphones, scrutinized every arrival and departure . 警卫们在装有防弹玻璃的小室里值勤,通过麦克风细致盘问每一个进出的人。
- Ancestral activities (migration history, date of arrival and departure, occupation, membership information, Christian background, etc. 祖先的活动(移民历史,离开及到达日期,职业,会员资料,宗教背景等
- The fact remains: Trainspotting contains no mention of persons keeping obsessive notes on the arrival and departure of trains. 它不乏捧场客,也许正因为弄不懂其名字的缘故,更遑论夹杂在对话中的、时尚的、令人不知所云的黑话俚语。
- Inside the station hall there is an arrivals and departures board. 在车站大厅里有火车到站和离站时刻表。
- Priority Club Reward members will be served with discreet priority during arrival and departure, even if additional employees need to be called to the station. 在优悦会会员抵店和离店时都应给予细致优先的服务,必要时加派其他员工予以协助。
- Waiting times are short, so travelers enjoy smooth arrivals and departures. 搭机乘客等待的时间并不长,入境和离境都很顺畅。
- That will be fine. What's the flight number and departure time? 太好了。请告诉我班机号码与起飞时间?