- I deem it imperative that we arouse interest in the study of military theory and direct the attention of the whole membership to the study of military matters. 从军事理论的研究,引起兴趣,唤起全党注意于军事问题的研究,我认为是必要的。
- To arouse interest in(a cause, for example) by use of the written or spoken word; debate. 热烈讨论,辩论用书面或口头的话激起兴趣(如对于一项事业);争论
- To arouse interest in literary appreciation,awards were presented in the year for creative writing in Chinese,drama criticism in Chinese and the best-produced books in Hong Kong. 年内,局方颁发了中文文学创作奖,藉以培养市民对文学欣赏的兴趣;此外又颁发了中文戏剧评论奖和香港最佳印制书籍奖。
- We hope that this volume would arouse interest on this page of neglected history and contribute to the discarding of prejudices, leading to more fruitful studies. 我们希望这本影人口述历史丛书能引起大家的兴趣,摒除成见,重新审视这段历史,作出比较有系统的研究。
- Offering Circular An abbreviated prospectus for a new security listing. Delivered to individuals and brokerage houses, these documents are issued to arouse interest in the new issue. 发行说明书新证券发行的简短公开说明书,发行人向散户投资者及经纪行分发,以期引起投资兴趣的文件。
- To arouse interest in literary appreciation, awards were presented in the year for creative writing in Chinese, drama criticism in Chinese and the best-produced books in Hong Kong. 年内,局方颁发了中文文学创作奖,藉以培养市民对文学欣赏的兴趣; 此外又颁发了中文戏剧评论奖和香港最佳印制书籍奖。
- Some of these work was published in 1858. Immediately,it aroused interest. 这些著作中的一部分在1858年出版后立即引起了人们的兴趣。
- A fine-turned use of bilingualism enables visual design not only to convoy messages but also to arouse interests to customers. 双语适切的使用不仅能文以载道,亦能勾起观众的兴趣。
- The quality of arousing interest; being attractive or something that attracts. 能让人产生兴趣的属性;具有吸引力或具有吸引力的事物。
- Some of these work was published in 1858. Immediately, it aroused interest. 这些著作中的一部分在1858年出版后立即引起了人们的兴趣。
- lacking power to arouse interest. 缺乏唤起兴趣的力量。
- His interest in photography is only a passing fad. 他对摄影的爱好仅是一时的兴致。
- Chinese Wushu has also aroused interest among foreigners and is taught in many countries throughout the world. 中国武术还引起了外国人的兴趣,在全世界不少国家,都有人武术。
- Chinese Wushu has also aroused interest among foreignersis taught in many countries throughout the world. 中国武术还引起了外国人的兴趣,在全世界不少国家,都有人学习武术。
- Code switching,as a linguistic phenomenon,has aroused interest of many linguists.They have set out to studyit fromvarious perspectives. 作为一种语言现象,语码转换引起了诸多语言学家的兴趣,他们从各自不同的角度对之进行研究。
- It may arouse her interest in these subjects . 这也许会引起她对这些学科的兴趣。
- It may arouse her interest in these subject. 这也许会引起她对这些学科的兴趣。
- He has an interest in a brewery. 他在一酿造厂有股份。
- A pat humorous tale may sometimes arouse a big laugh. 一个贴切适时的幽默故事有时会引起一场大笑。
- W ivi cusomrs arou h worl cam o iscuss busiss! 我们诚意邀请世界各地的客户前来洽谈业务!