- A suit of armour fell over with a loud crash. 胄甲啪的一声重重地摔在了地上。
- He girded himself with armour for the battle. 他穿好铠甲准备战斗。
- armoured thermocouple 铠装热电偶
- Armour coming up in support was tied down by air strikes. 前来增援的装甲部队受到空袭的牵制。
- His body was protected by armour fore and aft. 他的身体前前後後都有盔甲保护。
- We have less infantry and armour than the enemy. 我们的步兵和装甲兵均比敌军的少。
- His body was encased in shining armour. 他全身披着明幌幌的甲胄。
- One thermocouple is required per thermowell. 每个热电偶套管需要一个热电偶。
- The airfield is ringed with armoured cars. 机场被装甲车包围了。
- The arrow glanced off his armour. 箭擦过他的甲胃。
- Our armoured steeds besiege the Dragon Town. 铁骑绕龙城
- The cruiser was heavily armoured. 那艘巡洋舰有坚固的装甲.
- Yes. But this one is an armoured vehicle. 对。不过,这一辆是装甲车。
- The 2nd army consists of three armoured divisions. 第2军由3个装甲师组成。
- Facing it is the armoured and enormous Triceratops. 而它的对手正是拥有杀人武器,体型巨大的三角龙。
- Sword staff wielding militia armoured in plate. 剑矛民兵装备板甲,战力颇为可观。
- They should be checked frequently against a standard thermocouple. 它们经常要用标准热电偶来校对。
- Another chink out of your armour? 又是你的盔甲在响?
- Temperature: Display the temperature reading from the thermocouple. 温度:根据热电偶指示温度。
- Thermocouple tip must touch the end of the thermowell. 热电偶头必须碰到热电偶套管的顶部。