- arm support luffing mechanism 臂架变幅机构
- The optimization program of luffing mechanism was build,and this will be a useful tool in the design of crane. 2. 同时编制了通用的优化程序,为变幅机构的设计提供了一个高效实用的工具。
- The fuzzy optimization mathematical model is built with the optimization target of minimizing the volume of tooth corona of worm gear in luffing mechanism of tower crane. 摘要以塔式起重机变幅机构中蜗轮齿冠体积最小为优化目标,建立了模糊优化设计的数学模型。
- The briachial-bridge luffing mechanism and curve slideway live control weight gravity balance system are the core technology. 臂桥架变幅系统和曲线滑道活对重自重平衡系统是其核心技术。
- So it is necessary to optimize the luffing mechanism seriously.Sequential Unconstrained Minimization Technique is an indirect optimization method. 惩罚函数算法[Sequential Unconstrained Minimization Technique,简称SUMT], 即序列无约束极小化方法。
- Based on the inverse design principle,kinematics analysis of the new double-link luff mechanism with back-rocker driving is made in this paper. 论述的新型四连杆变幅机构独有的后摇杆驱动、臂架活动范围大、外观和几何形态特别等特点。
- The mentioned method is applied to design of pulley block compensation in luffing mechanism and the results show that the method is feasible and effective. 在滑轮组补偿变幅机构稳健优化设计中加以运用,结果表明该方法是有效的和可行的。
- A compound algorithm of genetic annealing is designed for optimizing the luffing mechanism locus of a plane link by means of random optimal algorithm, genetic and annealing algorithm. 摘要利用随机优化算法、遗传法和模拟退火法的优。点设计了一套遗传退火混合优化算法,并将其应用于平面连杆变幅机构轨迹复演的优化。
- The combined design method of second design , CAD and optimal design is adoped to design 304304 type luffing mechanism for lorry crane, aiming at obtaining the dimension parameters of this mechanism. 采用反求设计(二次设计)、计算机辅助设计和优化设计相结合的设计方法编写计算程序,来反求随车起重机304304型变幅机构,以期得到其合理的尺寸参数。
- Combining the design of portal crane luffing mechanism, this paper sets up the math model of the luffing system of the brachial-bridge container crane with combined compensating pulley. 本文以新型的臂桥架岸边集装箱起重机变幅机构组合式货物水平位移补偿系统的模型为研究对象,建立了吊重水平落差最小的数学模型。
- Arm in Makrolon, arm supports in steel.Arm in matte black with arm supports painted black. 是工作或阅读灯的不二选择,卤素光源提供柔和而不刺眼的光线。
- Design the briachial-bridge luffing mechanism and curve slideway live control weight gravity balance system by traditional modeling and optimizing or charting may cause some disadvantages. 而对于变幅系统和曲线滑道活对重自重平衡系统的设计,传统意义上单纯的通过建立数学模型进行优化的方式来进行设计,或者单纯的作图法来设计,在很多方面暴露出弊端,如优化得到的点离实际需要的太远,或者作图设计速度较慢等,正因为如此,有必要对变幅系统和曲线滑道活对重自重平衡系统的设计重新做出一种新的尝试。
- Georgia Warm Springs Type mobile arm support 佐治亚温泉型活动性臂托
- An oblique arm supporting rigid frame timbering based on the built bridge columns better to solve the difficult deep water timbering problem. 以已成桥柱为基础的斜臂支撑的刚构支护结构,较好地解决了深水支护的困难。
- A bright red welt rose on his arm. 他的手臂上起了明显的条状红肿。
- Local effect analysis of bucket-wheel excavator arm support 斗轮挖掘机臂架局部效应分析
- He hold on to my arm with a tenacious grip. 他紧紧抓住我的手臂不放。
- I felt something crawling up my arm. 我感觉到有什么东西爬上我的手臂。
- The falling slate sliced into his arm. 落下来的一块石片划破了他的手臂。
- The scribe worked hard to support his family. 那个抄写员辛勤工作来养家。