- In a computer, a functional unit that interprets and executes instructions. Note: A processor consists of at least an instruction control unit and an arithmetic and logic unit. 计算机中,解释并执行指令的一种功能单元。注:处理器至少包含有一个指令控制器和一个算术与逻辑运算器。
- arithmetic and control unit 运算控制器
- In a computer,a functional unit that interprets and executes instructions. Note: A processor consists of at least an instruction control unit and an arithmetic and logic unit. 计算机中,解释并执行指令的一种功能单元。注:处理器至少包含有一个指令控制器和一个算术与逻辑运算器。
- Automatics Business And Control United System Inc. 自动商业及控制联合系统股份有限公司。
- The main circuit,operating principles,referential current detection arithmetic and control strategies of GAPF are introduced and the results of a simulative experiment on the GAPF are given. 为了抑制系统高次谐波提高电能质量,研究了广义有源电力滤波器的主电路、工作原理、指令电流检测算法及控制策略后,给出了仿真结果。
- The APU fuel system consist of a fuel valve, control unit, solenoid valve, f ilter, heater and control valve. APU燃油系统包括一个燃油活门、控制组件、电磁活门油滤、加热器及控制活门。
- The whole design consists of three parts: the monitoring and control unit,the ECG collection unit and the defibrillation unit. 整个设计分为监护控制单元、心电采集单元和除颤单元三个部分。
- Her school report shows that she is weak at/in arithmetic and biology. 从她的学习成绩单可看出她算术和生物成绩差。
- The fault diagnosis system of engineering equipment integration based on component technology was composed of the sensor, CPU, display unit and control unit. 基于组件技术的工程装备集成故障诊断系统,由传感器、中央处理器、显示装置、控制装置组成。
- By making good use of the intelligent measure and control function of the Microprogrammed Control Unit(MCU),the numerical-controlled and scanned direct current source is designed. 利用单片机所具有的智能测控特点;设计出基于单片机的“数控与扫描直流电流源”.;该电流源具有设定准确、输出电流稳定、可调及扫描范围全程线性等特点
- The control unit and the Arithmetic/logic unit. 控制单元和算术或逻辑单元。
- Education is not the chips of arithmetic and grammar. 教育不是有关算术和语法的零星知识。
- That school puts particular emphasis on arithmetic and reading. 那所学校侧重算术和阅读。
- Emphasis has been placed on the optical receiving system, including APD receiver, receiver of the optical interface, Physical Layer protocols of fast Ethernet, fast Ethernet interface and control unit. 重点研究了大气激光通信光接收系统,包括基于雪崩光电二极管的光接收模块、光接口模块中的接收部分、快速以太网物理层协议标准、快速以太网接口电路与控制模块。
- Firstly,the arithmetic and realizing of CRC is discussed. 首先对RMC通信协议中的CRC校验及其算法和实现进行整体性的介绍。
- By embedding Virtual Mornitor and Control Unit (VMCU) into the system prototype,RTOS,IPC,and external tools and console implemented using JAVA,ICOS provide good observability and control. ICOS在保证验证准确性的同时,通过在系统原型中嵌入虚拟监视控制单元(VMCU),同时结合实时操作系统、进程间通信和JAVA实现的外部工具与数据库,ICOS提供了良好的可观测性和可控制性并且可以在ICOS中方便地进行系统地性能评估。
- The pollutant discharging entity shall normally use its online automatic monitor and control unit, and shall not dismantle it, leave it idle, transform or destroy it without approval. 排污单位应当正常使用在线自动监测监控仪器,不得擅自拆除、闲置、改变或者损毁。
- The platform is a new one and instead of situating the large battery and control unit in behind the seats, the package is installed under the cargo area, liberating more space for storage or seating. 该平台是一个新一和,而非情境的大型电池和控制单元在座椅后方,政改方案是下安装的空运货物装卸区,解放了更多的空间储存或座位。
- The HPM Series is a group of CMOS, microprocessor-based control units designed to monitor and control gas delivery manifolds. HPM系列是一组CMOS,采用微型处理器控制装置,设计用于检测和控制天然气运输通道。
- Tweezers is excluded a control unit and a tweezers stand. 镊子不包括控制台及镊子座。