- aristocracy in Six Dynasties 六朝贵族制
- The third chapter especially clarifies themes, forms and techniques of Lianzhu style in six dynasties by which outlines Lianzhu style when it was extremely popular. 第三章则专章论述六朝连珠之题材及其形式技巧,通过这一过程勾勒出连珠这一文体在极盛时期的全貌。
- The thesis mainly discusses the works of Lianzhu style in six dynasties, moreover, it also relates origination of Lianzhu style, in order to outline this style and explain and define it accurately. 本文以六朝为主要研究范畴,兼溯连珠之源流,力求勾勒连珠这一文体的整体面貌,对其作一准确的解读和定位。
- The tour took in six European capitals. 那次观光包括欧洲六个国家的首都。
- The shelving of the project have result in six redundancy. 此项工程的搁置已导致了6个人被解雇。
- RUAN JI is a prominent ideologist and poet in the Six Dynasties. 摘要阮籍是魏晋南北朝时期极富特色的思想家、文学家之一。
- If we spend money at this rate, we'll be broke in six months. 如果我们以此速度花钱,6个月我们便要破产了。
- The results were quite startling -- a 77% increase in six month. 结果非常令人吃惊--六个月增长百分之七十七。
- A series of six dynasties followed. 从此先后出现了六代王朝。
- He ploughed an acre in six hours. 他六小时犁一英亩地。
- Your order will be completed in six months. 您的订货,将于6个月内交清。
- The history course covered a lot in six weeks. 历史课在六周内涉及很广。
- His salary is now in six figures. 他的薪水现在是六位数。
- The Gloze Inclination about translation of Buddhist Scripture and Its Influence on Literature in Six Dynasties 六朝佛经翻译的文饰倾向及其对文学的影响
- I learned German from scratch in six months. 我从零学起,六个月学会了德语。
- She has been beaten only once in six starts. 她参加了六次比赛,只败过一次。
- The novel was serialized on TV in six parts. 这部小说分六集在电视上播出。
- The tour takes in six European capitals. 这次旅游包括六个欧洲国家的首都。
- The Tendency Towards Parallelism: Stylistics Study of Literary Criticism in Six Dynasties 论六朝批评文体的骈俪化
- Jones reached the rank of sergeant in six months. 琼斯经6个月后当了士官。