- argyrophile plaques 嗜银斑
- Primary plaques were detectable in 16 to 20 hours. 在16到20小时内可查出原发溶斑。
- The argyrophil cells were filled with granules. 电镜下,嗜银细胞内充满电子致密颗粒,十二指肠和大肠嗜银细胞颗粒大小和密度不同。
- Spraying plaques or parts as customer request. 为客户提供喷涂样板。
- PIB adheres to amyloid plaques in the brain. 匹兹堡化合物B结合在脑组织淀粉样斑点上。
- I grew up in a home with lots of wall plaques. 从小到大,家里的墙壁总是挂满了饰板。
- Atheromatous plaques were well delineated on CTA. CTA显示硬化斑块3例。
- Why do plaques and tangles form? 为什么会产生斑块和纠缠?
- Another strategy is to use small molecules to dissolve the plaques. 另一个策略是用小分子物质来溶解斑块。
- There is also a type of cancer is argyrophil cell tumors. 还有一种癌症类型是嗜银细胞瘤。
- The plaques bear the lion's emblem of the "GL", the secret army. 纪念碑上刻有象征秘密军队的狮子纹章:GL。
- The aorta in the middle shows many more larger plaques. 中间的大动脉显示更多、更大的斑块。
- Table 2. Relation between CCA-IMT and plaques of ICA and CB. 表2.;斑块严重程度与颈动脉内膜中层厚度的关系
- The following are floor plaques are Liang Fang plenum. 正匾以下均以梁枋隔层。
- The gondoliers wore green and white livery and silver plaques on their chests. 船夫们穿着白绿两色的制服,胸前别着银质徽章。
- At the bottom, the mild atherosclerosis shows only scattered lipid plaques. 下面轻度粥样硬化仅见散在脂斑。
- The gondoliers were green and white living and silver plaques on their chests. 船夫们穿着白绿两色的制服,胸前别着银质徽章。
- CRP level can predicate the development of carotid atherosclerotic plaques. C-反应蛋白水平能够预测颈动脉粥样硬化斑块的发展。
- Growth of those plaques is closely correlated with heart attacks and strokes. 这些斑块的增长与心脏病发作和中风密切相关。
- Some argyrophil cells were observed in the connective tissue of lamina propria near epithelium or gland. 在小肠固有膜结缔组织中有散在的嗜银细胞。