- My attention was diverted by an argument between motorists. 摩托车手之间的争论转移了我的注意力
- The classical argument between free trade and protectionism. 自由贸易和保护主义之间永久的争论
- The argument between the two men ended in a fight. 两个人的争论最终以打架而结束。
- The argument between the two boys became so fierce that Dad had to intervene . 这两个孩子之间的争论变得如此激烈以致于他们的父亲不得不出面调停。
- The argument between the two boys became so fierce that Dad had to intervene. 这两个孩子之间的争论变得如此激烈以致于他们的父亲不得不出面调停。
- In the argument between the two groups, he planked down on the side of group A. 在两组辩论中,他明确表态站在甲组一边。
- In the argument between the two groups,I planked down on the side of group A. 我在两组辩论中明确表态站在A组一边。
- In the argument between the two groups,he planked down on the side of group A. 在两组辩论中,他明确表态站在甲组一边。
- In the argument between the two groups, I planked down on the side of group A. 我在两组辩论中明确表态站在a组一边。
- "This is not an argument between left or right, liberal or conservative. “这部是一个关于左右的辩论,关于自由和保守的言论。
- The meeting is disrupted by an argument between the chairman and leave-wing activist. 主席和左翼激进分子之间的争论使会议中断。
- Pay no attention to the arguments between us. 别在乎我们之间的争论。
- The clash of arguments between them is unavoidable. 他们议论的冲突是无可避免的。
- The government seems to have got caught up in the argument between Russia and America. 政府似乎已被卷进了苏美争端中。
- A while ago there was an argument between a Marksman and an Archer in our tavern, who is more useful in combat. 不久前我们酒馆有个关于弓箭手和弩箭手的争论,到底谁在战场上更有作用。
- The argument between the two drunks ended in a free-for-all in which about 20 people became involved. 两个醉汉之间的争论最后发展到由约20人自由参加的讨论。
- The meeting is disrupted by an argument between the chairman and left-wing activist. 会议被主席和左翼积极革命斗士之间的争论给打断了。
- There was an argument between them about what food should be for their son's birthday dinner. 他俩为儿子生日晚餐应吃什么争了起来。
- And any argument between us would not cause me to lose heart or feel a sense of loss. 我们之间的争论,并不会造成任何我感到气馁或感到怅然若失。
- The judicial system settles arguments between people. 司法系统解决人与人之间的争端。