- Every time she expresses an opinion,you argue back! 每次她提出想法,你总是反对的!
- Every time I express an opinion, she argues back. 每当我发表意见时,她总是反驳。
- Every time she expresses an opinion, you argue back! 每次她提出想法,你总是反对的!
- Every time I express an opinion,she argues back. 每当我发表意见时,她总是反驳。
- Since the man who told me off for my less than perfect hijab was carrying a gun I didn't argue back. 当一个持枪男人以我戴的头巾不够完美为由而要求我退出时,我也并没有回嘴。
- Every time I expressed an opinion, he argued back. 每当我发表意见时, 他总是反驳。
- Harry tied to argue back but his words were drowned by a long, loud belch from the Dursley's son, Dedley. 哈利还试图争辩,但他的话被达斯利的儿子达力一声又长又响亮的饱嗝打断了。
- Peter will argue back letting Hiro know that Kaito's the one who had Adam locked away for 30 yrs. 但是他不知道剑圣对病毒的真正企图。
- Rose bushes shoot again after being cut back. 玫瑰丛修剪後还能再长出新枝。
- It is not always reliable to argue by analogy. 用类推法论证并不总是可靠的。
- "Under no circumstances should a strong nation interfere in the internal affairs of another one, "he argued back at the debate. 他在辩论中反驳说“在任何情况下, 强国都不该干涉弱国的内政。”
- Mr Landers argued back that he was too far gone by then, and that the government warnings had never been forceful enough. 兰德斯辩白道,那时他的烟瘾已经很重,难以自拔了。而政府的警告又往往是虚张声势,难动真格。
- An unenviable task, then, for the American diplomats who face the task of arguing back in defence of old-fashioned libertarianism. 美国外交官面临一个不值得羡慕的任务,即为过时的自由意志主义辩护。
- Don't argue with one who is in hot blood. 不要和正在气头上的人争论。
- She find it useless argue with them. 她发现和他们的争论没用。
- Don't try to argue with him till he's cooled down. 等他冷静下来再跟他争论。
- He tried to argue away his mistake. 他试图用话把自己的错误搪塞过去。
- It's useless arguing/to argue with them. 跟他们争论是徒劳无益的。
- He trudge three hour in the snow to get back home. 他在雪中跋涉三个钟点才回到家。
- The crowd fell back to let the players through. 人群后退让运动员们通过。