- Both set to 0 appears in flow as normal. 均设置为0的元素按正常方式出现在流中。
- Both set to 0 appears in the flow as normal. 都设置为0的元素将在流中正常显示。
- Your control will appear as normal. 控件将正常显示。
- He reported the situation there as normal. 他报导,那里局势正常。
- I refer to the composition of architecture as concept. 我把建筑的合成物叫做概念。
- Some might think of architecture as merely the designing of buildings. 有些人可能会认为建筑学只是在设计建筑物而已。
- We relate to one another as normal brother and sister in Christ. 我们之间的关系是普通的主内弟兄姊妹的关系。
- architecture as normal 建筑如常
- However the animals reacted to pain in the same way as normal mice. 而它们对于疼痛的反应跟普通小鼠一样。
- This is about as normal as an adult aorta in America gets. 这是美国正常成年人的大动脉。
- Focus in the window as normal, frame in the accesory finder. 重点在窗口为正常,枪架在副乳发现者。
- This rare magic wood is as hard as normal wood but very light. 黑木:这种稀有的魔法木头的硬度虽然与普通木材并无二致,但却十分光亮。
- Treat the borders of the plate lightly, not file then as normal. 对待版材的四周边缘我们并不需要象通常那样用锉刀锉得非常圆滑即可.
- Our research team at Hewlett-Packard( HP) Laboratories views the crossbar architecture as the most likely path forward. 我们在惠普(P)验室的研究团队认为,最可能推进的途径是利用交叉杆式的架构。
- Capture high-level design and architecture as stable abstractions organized into stable package. 采用高水平的设计和架构使包保持稳定。
- WTL is implemented using the same template architecture as ATL, so it is a natural fit for ATL developers. WTL的实现使用了和ATL一样的模板架构,所以对于ATL开发者显得很自然。
- It also has floor to ceiling glass windows and the same quality in specifications and architecture as Fuente Tower. 该公寓亦拥有与福恩特堡逸祥公寓的落地玻璃窗设计。
- She insists of her lifestyle. I'm as normal as any American housewife. 她坚持自己的生活方式。我与任何一位美国的家庭妇女一样平常。
- The changing patterns refer to a theme profound to Architecture as well as to Music - rule and variation. 不断变化的模式是指一个主题深刻的建筑以及音乐-规则和变化。
- Taj Mahal hotel's architecture as a whole reflect the rich Oriental style and Florence, Italy. 泰姬玛哈酒店的整体建筑体现出浓郁的东方和意大利佛罗伦萨风格。