- archetypical persona; 典型人物;
- archetypical persona 典型人物
- The diplomat was declared persona non grata. 这位外交家被宣布为不受欢迎的使节。
- He was declared persona non grata and forced to leave the country. 他被宣布为不受欢迎的人而被迫离开该国。
- How do we get information for a persona? 我们怎样获得角色的信息?
- A system helps the persona reach these goals. 系统帮助角色实现这些目标。
- What characteristics are included in a persona? 角色包括些什么特性?
- A documented day in the life of a persona. 角色生存期中有记录的一天。
- The diplomat was persona non grata. 这位外交官不受欢迎
- On stage, the actor adopts a fictitious persona. 舞台上,演员扮演虛构的人物。
- Persona swimming does so at own their risk. 管理处对在泳池内发生的意外伤亡事故不予以承担责任。
- En mi vida , tiene una persona muy importante. 在我一生里,有一个很重要的人。
- I always write persona letters by hand. 我总是亲笔写私人信件。
- His own career was an archetypical American success story. 弗里德曼的职业生涯,可说是典型的美国成功故事。
- But Kakur can't tell apart ego and persona. 不过卡库尔总是分不清自我和人格面具。
- The government declared the implicated diplomats persona non grata. 政府宣布有牵累的外交官为不受欢迎的人。
- We accomplish this through a process of designating persona types. 在这一步骤中,我们指定人物角色类型。
- He forgot to buy more coffee yesterday, so he was persona non grata at breakfast this morning! 他因昨日忘了多买些咖啡,今晨早餐上遂成为家中众矢之的!
- Robert Kincaid and Carlisle McMillan share that persona, as do I. 罗伯特·金凯和卡莱尔·麦克米伦就很受用这种生活,当然我也是。
- How can it minimize the persona’s effort in reaching his goals? 人物角色完成任务时如何尽可能地减少其工作量?