- That was a great archaeological find. 那是一次了不起的考古发现。
- Archaeological finds have been made one after another. 地下文物迭有发现。
- Graves archaeological finds, the share of large weapons. 墓群出土文物中,兵器所占比重很大。
- Most of the important archaeological finds in this part of the world have been discovered accidently. 世界上这个地区的重要考古发现大都是偶然获得的。
- Archaeological Finds from the analysis of MA-6000 years ago Hamamatsu site, a Neolithic period (interim). 从出土文物分析,马家浜遗址距今6000多年,属新石器时代(中期)。
- Behind the main hall is a two-story pavilion built against the crag in which are displayed the archaeological finds unearthed near Zhaoqing. 殿后依岩有两层高阁,陈列着肇庆地区出土文物。
- In particular, how recent archaeological finds have transformed our present understanding and future direction of the field. 近来考古发现如何影响了目前的理解和对未来方向的定位。
- Archaeological finds from the site are being exhibited at Hong Kong Museum of History, 100 Chatham Road South, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon. 有关遗址的展品现于九尖沙咀漆咸道南100号香港历史博物馆展出。
- Friends of Heritage will explain the historic value and characteristics of archaeological finds, and answer queries to the public. 文物之友将会向市民介绍考古文物的历史价值及解答问题。
- Archaeological finds have also added to the knowledge of New Testament happenings and brought new credence to Scripture. 考古发现也增加了对新约的认识并为圣经的真实性提供了新的证据。
- According to Tibet's Qamdo Karub Ruins archaeological finds show that this largely stems from the construction of five thousand years before四千五百年. 根据西藏昌都卡若遗址出土文物证明,这种建筑大致产生于四千五百年五千年之前。
- According to archaeologists that the most valuable archaeological finds in a lively style, Pelican title carefully craft lamp fish. 据考古人员认定,出土文物中最珍贵的是一件造型生动、工艺考究的鹈鹕衔鱼灯。
- Archaeological Finds: bronze, iron, porcelain, pottery, stone tools, and Mexico Guqi Yan, Zhu Shi and other precious relics. 出土文物有:铜器、铁器、瓷器、陶器、石器、骨器及墨砚、珠饰等珍贵文物。
- Unearthed over 30 pieces of cultural relics, Archaeological Finds in the crane pattern of copper mirrors, Tie-Suo, crystal top chain funerary objects and other valuables. 出土了三十多件文物,出土文物中有白鹤图纹铜镜、铁锁、水晶顶链等贵重随葬品。
- Hadi said: "If it is determined that the pirate ship, it will become the world's very, very important discovery, will become Britain's most important archaeological finds. 哈迪表示:“如果确定是海盗船,那么它将成为世界上非常非常重要的发现,也将成为英国最重要的考古发现之一。
- It exhibits archaeological findings in the field of ancient mining and metallurgy. 展览展出了古代采矿、冶金领域里的考古发现。
- The archaeologist find some trace of an ancient civilization in that area. 考古学家们在那个地区发现了一些古代文明的遗迹。
- It also encouraged young people to participate in archaeological workshops,field studies,lectures,environment improvement exercises at historic sites and processing of archaeological finds. 该办事处又鼓励青年人参加考古工作坊、野外研究、讲座、在考古遗址进行环境改善工作,以及处理考古文物等活动。
- It also encouraged young people to participate in archaeological workshops, field studies, lectures, environment improvement exercises at historic sites and processing of archaeological finds. 该办事处又鼓励青年人参加考古工作坊、野外研究、讲座、在考古遗址进行环境改善工作,以及处理考古文物等活动。
- The national archaeological findings in Dangchang in Neolithic age are Qijia cultural relic and Majiayao cultural relic. 摘要宕昌新石器时代的民族考古主要是齐家文化、马家窑文化;