- I ts arc shaped design is in perfect harmony with beautiful music. 圆弧与优美的歌声结合,它就像一首动听的歌。
- According to Jewish texts, the tablets were not arc shaped. 根据犹太人文本,写字板不是弧形的。
- In this paper, the heat transfer performance of foed convective Condensation and the heat transfer enhancement mechanism on the petal shaped fin tube (PF tube) are studied. 本文研究了花瓣形翅片管(PF管)在水平套管之环形通道内强制对流冷凝的传热性能及传热强化机理。
- The Pier has a large green park area with paved arc shaped walk paths, a hemispherical sea view observation pavillion and a shallow swimming pool (max depth 100cm). 码头有个大的绿化公园区铺满圆弧形的步道、半球形的观海台和一个浅的戏水池(最深100公分)。
- Meat texture is very elasticity. Products are in arc shape, they are welcomed by many customers. 肉质的弹性强,产品呈圆弧状,最受客户的欢迎。
- It features a change with flame revesal,arc shape and existence of subrefining zone. 控制好泡界线即可保证玻璃球内在质量。
- The results show that columnar center zone was observed in the tri-mixed gas arc shape. 结果表明,三元混合气体的电弧形态中可观察到柱状中心区。
- With high speed camcorder system and digital oscillogragh,the electic arc shape of twin-wire indirect arc welding was investigated. 用高速摄像系统及示波器对双丝间接电弧气体保护焊的电弧形态进行了研究。
- With high speed camcorder system and digital oscillograph, this paper investigated the electric arc shape of lime titania type twin electrode. 采用激光背光高速摄像系统对双电极钛钙型碳钢焊条的熔滴过渡及其影响因素进行了研究。
- The rhinoceros ridge west is arc shape rhinoceros pool on the side , is the place paying a visit to the numerous secret God meeting Tibet weapon. 犀牛岭西侧为弧形状的犀牛潭,是拜上帝会众秘藏武器的地方。
- Conclusion: The right angle or arc shape of microvasculature is possiblely the morphological basis of hemorrhage in the area. 结论:小脑齿状核内微血管近似直角和弧形的弯曲,可能是该区易发生出血的形态学基础。
- Heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics of petal shaped fin tube and low finned tube heat exchanger with helical baffles were introduced,in which compressed air folwing in the shell side. 螺旋隔板是强化管壳式换热器壳侧传热十分有效的壳程结构型式。
- Aimed at large arc shape frame, the die with once bending forming structure is designed, the working procedure is reduced, and the costs are lowed as well. 针对大圆弧形机壳,设计了一次折弯成形结构模具,减少工序,降低成本。
- It shows that a gust front is associated with the line or arc shape echo in the reflectivity products, and convergence line in the velocity products, and the damage wind near the surface. 结果表明:阵风锋在雷达反射率因子图上表现为强对流回波前方近地层的条状或弧状弱窄带回波;在径向速度图上表现为风向、风速急剧变化的辐合带区域;
- Their rami were emitted by a large sharp angle or arc shape, and they anastomosed into meshes each other.The densities of the microvasculature were markedly higher than that of the medulla area. 小脑齿状核的微血管多为树根状,分支多以大锐角和弧形发出,且彼此吻合成网,其密度明显高于周围髓质区。
- Combined with the engineering practices, detailed research has been made regarding the structural performance and stability of hinged connected trussed arch at two ends of circular arc shape. 结合工程实际主要对圆弧形两端铰接的桁架拱的结构性能和稳定性进行详细的研究。
- High current MAG welding is an effective method to improve productivity.High-speed vidicon is used to study the effect of arc shapes and metal transfer on weld profiles. 采用高速摄像法对大电流MAG焊的电弧形态、熔滴过渡形式对焊缝成形的影响进行了研究。
- Joan of Arc was one of France's greatest daughters. 圣女贞德是法国最伟大的女性之一。
- The economy should be shaped to a new pattern. 经济应该适合于一种新的模式。
- Joan of Arc was burnt (alive) at the stake. 圣女贞德在火刑柱上被(活活)烧死。