- Barristers in common law jurisdictions often appeal in both court and arbitral proceedings. 普通法中的诉讼律师经常参与到法院和仲裁的程序中来。
- The company and holding company with subsidiaries are currently unavailable other should disclose without disclosure of significant judicial or arbitral proceedings. 本公司及控股子公司目前不存在其他应披露而未披露的重大诉讼或仲裁事项。
- Principle applies to the mediation and arbitration proceedings. 调解原则适用于仲裁和诉讼程序。
- The arbitration proceedings and the decision of the arbitrator will be confidential; and. 仲裁程序和仲裁结果将是秘密的。
- The seller initiated arbitration proceedings to recover the 10% balance remaining due under the contracts. 卖方提请仲裁,要求收回10%25的合同余款。
- Owners commenced arbitration proceedings asserting that Charterers were not entitled to make the deduction. 船东提起仲裁,认为承租人没有权利扣除运费。
- The arbitration proceedings shall not be affected if the respondent does not submit a written defense. 被申请人未提交答辩书的,不影响仲裁程序的进行。
- Arbitration proceedings are conducted in the state in which you reside or at a location determined by the AAA. 仲裁程序在您居住的州或在美国仲裁协会决定的地点进行。
- Article 8 The arbitration proceedings shall commence on the date on which the CIETAC or one of its Sub-Commissions receives a Request for Arbitration. 第八条仲裁程序自仲裁委员会或其分会收到仲裁申请书之日起开始。
- The objections raised to the arbitration agreement or jurisdiction over the arbitration case shall not affect the process of the arbitration proceedings. 对仲裁协议或仲裁案件管辖权提出抗辩不影响仲裁程序的进行。
- Nothing marred the unanimity of the proceedings. 议事未受任何阻碍获得一致通过。
- Proceed with care, or you'll mess up. 你必须小心行事,不然就要倒霉。
- Either party's failure to perform the interlocutory award will not affect the continuation of the arbitration proceedings, nor will it prevent the arbitration tribunal from making a final award. 任何一方当事人不履行中间裁决,不影响仲裁程序的继续进行,也不影响仲裁庭作出最终裁决。
- He was allowed to proceed to an MA. 他获准攻读文学硕士学位。
- In fiction behaviour should proceed from character. 在小说中人物的行为应该切合人物的性格。
- Please proceed with your report. 请继续作你的报告吧。
- He told us to proceed with caution. 他要我们谨慎行事。
- During the process of arbitration proceedings, the arbitration tribunal may issue procedural orders, send out questionnaires, hold meetings before hearing, convene preliminary hearings, draw up Terms of Reference, etc. 在仲裁过程中,仲裁庭认为必要时可以发布程序令、发出问题单、举行庭前会议、召开预备庭、制作审理范围书等。
- Domainers in turn feel that some companies unfairly bully them to relinquish names that should not be subject to trademark. Many feel arbitration proceedings favour large companies over individuals. 不过,域名所有者觉得,一些公司不公平地欺压他们,迫使他们放弃与这些公司的商标无关的域名。许多人觉得,仲裁程序偏向大公司,而不是个人。
- Light and heat proceed form the sun. 光和热来自太阳。