- Aquatic organisms constituting very small or the smallest forms of plankton. 微型浮游生物由非常小或最小形式的浮游生物构成的水生生物体
- Study on toxicity and environmental safety of glyphosate to aquatic organisms. 草甘膦对水生生物的毒性效应及环境安全性研究。
- The susceptibility to cadmium can vary greatly between aquatic organisms. 被镉感染的可能性,水栖动物之间有很大的差异。
- By dredging we can get a lot of rare aquatic organisms for scientific research. 通过采捞我们可以获得很多稀有的水生生物进行科学研究。
- An air-filled sac or structure that aids in the flotation of an aquatic organism. 气囊水生动植物器官中用来帮助飘浮用的充满气体的囊或结构
- Prospects of application of aquatic organisms in studies on waterborne human public health problems were discussed. 探讨以水生生物为材料进行涉水人体公共卫生研究的应用前景。
- Zinc deficiency is rare in aquatic organisms in the environment, but can be induced under experimental conditions. 锌缺乏很少发生于环境中的水生生物,但能够经由实验的条件而引发。
- By dredging, we can get a lot of rare aquatic organisms for scientific research. 通过采捞,我们可以获得很多稀有的水生生物进行科学研究。
- Baiyangdian aquatic organisms including plankton, benthic fauna, fish and aquatic plants. 白洋淀水生生物包括浮游生物、底栖动物、鱼类和水生植物。
- Along with change from opening to closing of oxbow, the diversity of aquatic organisms in Tiane Zhou Oxbow will be on the. 本文报道了长江中游开敞式天鹅洲故道和封闭式老河故道浮游植物、浮游动物、底栖动物及水生维管束植物四大类水生生物多样性的异同和变化。
- The toxic effects of nonylphenol ethoxylates(NP_ 10 EO) and its degradation product 4-nonylphenol(4-NP) on the aquatic organisms were studied. 研究了壬基酚聚氧乙烯醚及其降解产物4壬基酚对水生生物的毒理效应。
- Site hydrology assessment includes investigations into other areas like soils, depth requirements for aquatic organisms, wetland plant communities, etc. 基地水文评估包括调查土壤、水生生物需水深度、湿地植物群落等其它方面。
- Improper disposal of hazardous chemicals down the drain itroduce toxic materials into to the ecosystem, contaminating the water supplies in a way that can harm aquatic organisms. 水污染物源于很多的人类活动。工业污染物可从工厂中的排泄管流出,或者可从管道和地下储存罐中外泄。
- Based on the study of bio-accumulation of heavy metals in water environment, the paper summarizes the accumulation rule and research status of heavy metals in aquatic organisms (including fish, mollusk and shellfish). 摘要本文综述了水环境中重金属在水生生物体内(包括鱼类的鳃、软体动物及贝类的肾、肝和肌肉等组织器官)蓄积研究现状及蓄积规律。
- An air-filled sacor structure that aids in the flotation of an aquatic organism. 气囊水生动植物器官中用来帮助飘浮用的充满气体的囊或结构。
- Euryhaline:Capable of tolerating a wide range of salt water concentrations. Used of an aquatic organism. "(水生生物)广盐性的:能够忍受各种浓度的盐水域;通常是用于水生有机体.;"
- The terrigenous organisms predominate in the organic matter of the source rocks, and lower aquatic organisms are also present in large quantity. 烃源岩有机质中陆源生物占优势,低等水生生物也有大量的分布。
- Humic acid is the common aquatic organic substance,and it is one of precursors of mutants in drinking water. 腐殖质是水体中常见的有机物,也是饮用水主要致突变前体物质之一。
- One microscopic aquatic organism plays a major role in making life on Earth possible: phytoplankton . 其中,一种水生微生物在地球孕育生命的过程中扮演着极其重要的角色:浮游生物。
- In general, aquatic organisms have three levels responses to minimize the exposure to UV-B: (1) behavioral avoidance, (2) manufacture or sequester UV-B absorbing compounds, (3) DNA repair mechanisms. 由于不同生物具有不同适应UV-B伤害的机制,湖泊生态系统的结构和功能也势必会发生变化。