- The frescos in the Sistine Chapel are world-famous. 西斯廷教堂的壁画举世闻名。
- They go to chapel every Sunday evening. 他们每个星期天晚上做礼拜。
- apse chapel 半圆形小教堂
- They go to chapel every Sunday night. 每星期天晚上他们去做礼拜。
- The chapel was dedicated in 1880. 这座小教堂于1880年举行献堂礼。
- He built a chapel as a shrine to the memory of his dead wife. 他建了一座小教堂作为悼念亡妻的圣所。
- The ghost of Lady Margaret is supposed to haunt this chapel. 据说玛格丽特女士的鬼魂常在这个礼拜堂出没。
- A Nonconformist chapel, especially a Baptist or Methodist one. 非英国国教的礼拜堂基督新教徒的教堂,尤指浸信会或卫理公会教徒
- She goes to/attends chapel regularly. 她经常去新教徒教堂作礼拜.
- Application of APS Type HT Binder to C. V.R. APS型高温粘结剂在直立炉上的应用开发
- The chapel voted against a strike. 印刷工会投票反对罢工。
- One RCS is paired across two APs. 在两个 AP 之间为单个的 RCS 配对。
- The APS played a key role in the research. APS在该研究中起了关键作用。
- Students attend chapel each morning. 每天早晨学生们去做礼拜。
- Is the Future of APS Optimistic? APS前景乐观吗?
- A member of the clergy attached to a chapel. 牧师附属小教堂的牧师
- The paired APs both run in the ACTIVE state. 成对的两个 AP 都运行在 ACTIVE 状态下。
- The chapel is now flagged as an inn. 礼拜堂现在是一处旅店。
- Connect to APs in Remote Bridge List? 与远程桥列表中的AP连接吗?
- These APs are just going to go sit in a hlt. 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听* Why do we need to wait?