- apprentice wireless operator 见习电报员
- The wireless operator's gateway receives the request. 无线运营方的网关接收该请求。
- The City of London Police, for its part, asked one wireless operator to favour certain rescue workers by limiting service for ordinary users. 伦敦市警察局则委派一名无线电报员通过限制大众用户的通讯服务来保证救援人员通讯无阻。
- LGC is the preferred choice of the world‘s leading wireless operators. LGC是世界无线领域运营商中的首选提供商。
- A pay-per-feature Java solution providing flexibility and variety to customers who want the latest innovations in Java ME and wireless operator extensions on their mobile phone platforms. 一个具有灵活性和多样性且根据所需特点付费的Java解决方案,适合那些需要Java ME最新技术的客户和无线运营商在移动电话平台上的扩展。
- The deal represents Huawei's first significant handset deal in Europe and will enable Vodafone - the world's largest wireless operator by sales - to offer branded 3G handsets at low prices. 该协议的签署,标志着华为在欧洲获得了第一笔重大的手持终端订单,也意味着作为世界最大无线运营商之一的沃达丰可以提供自有品牌的低价3G手机。
- Similarly NTL bought Virgin Mobile and America's big cable operators last year struck a deal with Sprint Nextel a wireless operator. NTL收购维京移动,以及去年美国的固定电话公司与移动运营商思普林特Nextel达成的交易,都是如此。
- For example, Motorola currently has 40 percent of the GSN core network business from among the world's top 10 wireless operators. 截止到今年第一季度,世界10大无线运营商40%25的GSN核心网络均由摩托罗拉提供。
- He began his career as an apprentice. 他以当学徒开始他的职业生涯。
- Electrical and Wireless Operator 电子设备与无线电操作人员
- The desire to offer a one-stop shop for quadruple-play services has also prompted several national incumbent operators to reabsorb their previously separate wireless operations. 提供四重播放业务的一站式服务的愿望促使一些全国性的运营商重新吸纳了先前独立出去的移动电话分部。
- The same indoor distribution system(IDS) is used in the three wireless operations PHS,3G,WLAN to realize all the three signals being overlaid simultaneously in this paper. 介绍了PHS、3G和WLAN三个无线业务使用同一套室内分布系统实现3种信号同时覆盖;
- He sent me the news by wireless telegraph. 他用无线电报把消息告诉我。
- The police talked to each other by wireless. 警察用无线电通话。
- She sits up to all hours with her wireless. 她经常深夜不睡,听收音机。
- Loosely, a mathematical or logic operator. 不严格地说,一种数学或逻辑运算符。
- They have installed wireless apparatus on board. 他们已在船上安装了无线电设备。
- That store operator ripped me off. 那个商店的营业员把我骗了。
- He will never serve out his time as an apprentice. 他永远出不了师。
- This apprentice is keen and quick in his work.. 这徒弟手勤脚快。