- Appoint people on their merits; do not resort to malpractice in personnel placement. 坚持任人唯贤,反对用人上的不正之风
- Throughout our national history there have been two sharply contrasting lines on the subject of the use of cadres, one being to "appoint people on their merit", and the other to "appoint people by favouritism". 在这个使用干部的问题上,我们民族历史中从来就有两个对立的路线:一个是“任人唯贤”的路线,一个是“任人唯亲”的路线。
- As a top manager, he should appoint none but people on their merit. 作为一位总经理,他应该任人为贤。
- appoint people on their merits 任人唯贤
- appoint people on their merit 任人为贤
- Reinforce the Cultivation of a Fine Work Style of Selecting Cadres by Appointing People on Their Merits 任人唯贤加强干部选拔中的作风建设
- People in my company are judged on their merits . 在我们公司,是根据业绩来评判人的。
- As a statesman and strategist, Cao Cao did well in making use of talent, and appointed people on their merits. Also, he advocated the personnel policy of "only using the talented" and assigned, not stick to one pattern, the gifted to a post. 曹操作为这一时期的政治家、军事家,善于用人,任人为贤,提出了“唯才是举”的用人政策,不拘一格地任用人才。
- One's convictions would stand or fall on their merits. 一个人的信念将按其本身的价值站住脚或垮掉。
- He will avenge the people on their dictator. 他将为人民向独裁者报仇。
- He will avenge the people on their oppressor. 他将为人民向压迫者报仇。
- Finally, two hardware decouple methods were compared on their merit and fault. 最后对比了两种硬件消耦的优缺点。
- Government aid set many people on their feet following the depression. 萧条之后,由于政府的援助,许多人都恢复了原来的状况。
- It does not consist of fashioning proposals that would attract bipartisan support on their merits. 它不包括形成的提案,这将吸引两党支持他们的价值。
- I regarded all these as parallel transactions, and as acts of good will performed on their merits and not as bargains. 我把这一切看作是平行的接受,是根据它们的功用而不是根据它们的价格进行的善意行为。
- To put it bluntly, the question of whether people are appointed on their merits or by favouritism has not been settled satisfactorily. 不客气地讲,任人唯贤还是任人唯亲这个问题并没有解决好。
- To put it bluntly,the question of whether people are appointed on their merits or by favouritism has not been settled satisfactorily. 不客气地讲,任人唯贤还是任人唯亲这个问题并没有解决好。
- Encourage one another.Many times a word of praise or thanks or appreciation or cheer has kept people on their feet. 互相鼓励吧;一句赞扬;一声感谢;由衷的赞赏或是叫好;往往会使别人从此站立起来.
- A little later,though,the Greeks and Romans began to put pictures of famous people on their coins. 然而不久以后,希腊和罗马人开始把名人头像放在它们的硬币上。
- On the question of using cadres we should never appoint people by favoritism. 在使用干部的问题上,我们决不能任人唯亲。