- applying througth the soil 土施
- Their shouts reechoed througth the forest. 他们的叫喊声在树林中回荡。
- Some plants push their roots deep into the soil. 一些植物的根深深长入土中。
- There are a lot of worms in the soil. 泥土中有许多蠕虫。
- Water has permeated (through) the soil. 水已渗遍那片土壤。
- She makes her living from the soil. 她以务农为生。
- The soil absorbs only a fraction of the rain that beats down. 土壤只吸收猛打到地面上的雨水的一部分。
- The soil becomes more and more acidic as pollution mounts up. 随着污染的加剧,土壤的酸化越来越严重。
- Abel was a shepherd and Cain a tiller of the soil. 亚伯是个牧人,该隐则是个耕田人。
- The soil is too dry for planting. 土太干了,不能种东西。
- The flowers are beginning to peep through the soil. 花正开始破土而出。
- The soil had been turned up by the plough. 那片地是用犁翻的。
- He added sand to the soil to make it more porous. 他往土里掺了些沙子以提高渗水性能。
- The soil is enriched with nitrates. 土壤里施了硝酸盐肥料。
- The richness of the soil favored the growth of crops. 土地的肥沃有利于运动员的生长。
- Plants draw minerals and other nutrients from the soil. 植物从泥土中吸收矿物质和其他养料。
- Heavy rain and excessive use have impoverished the soil. 土地因招暴雨侵蚀及使用过度已贫瘠不堪。
- The rotation of crops keeps the soil healthy and fertile. 谷物轮种使土壤保持了肥力和高质。
- The water resistence and aging resistance of chlorosulfonated polyethylene(CSM)were improved througth the optimum colourful ingredients choice. 通过对氯磺化聚乙烯(CSM)彩色配方中各组分的优化选择,提高了CSM硫化胶的耐水性和耐老化性。
- Plants absorb minerals and other nutrients from the soil. 植物从泥土中吸收矿物质和其他养料。