- applying Buddhism to poetry 以禅喻诗
- In places his prose approaches to poetry. 在很多方面他的散文几近于诗。
- Thinking is always the stumbling stone to poetry. 思想对于诗往往是一块绊脚石。
- He got addicted to poetry and hoped one day to be a poet himself. 他沉醉于诗歌,希望有一天自己成为诗人。
- He devoted himself to poetry praising the native American experience. 他致力于赞颂当地美国人体验的诗歌创作。
- In the ensuing Sui dynasty, Confucianism and Taoism were again fused with Buddhism to legitimize it. 接下来的隋朝,统治者又将儒教道教与佛教混合起来合法化其权利。
- Nie: But what is, really, a poem? Would you mind giving a definition to poetry? 聂:但到底什么是诗?能给一个定义吗?
- After the building of the Peoples Republic of China,he used Buddhism to endure those impersonal criticisms. 人民共和国成立后,他受到了错误的批判和斗争,佛家思想对这位迟暮之年的老人发挥着精神柱石的伟大作用,使之忍受了那些无情的批斗。
- Japan where the two sects of Buddhism to China to visit his visit should be to the mysterious temple of pilgrimage. 凡日本这两个宗派的佛教弟子来中国参观、访问,都要到玄中寺进香。
- The temple economy follows the Chinese Buddhism to develop, as well asthe temple expands produces. 摘要寺院经济是伴随着中国佛教发展,以及寺院壮大而产生的。
- The monk was so deeply impressed by local landscape that he decided to settle down and expounded the texts of Buddhism to his followers. 这位在秋天进入天台山的僧人,爱上了这里的风烟山水,开始在一间茅蓬中,向避难而来的僧众讲经说法。
- In literary contexts, it is applied, generally, to poetry of a Platonic, esoteric, recondite, or occult kind. 就文学范围说,它一般用于指柏拉图式的、深奥的、晦涩的或玄妙的诗歌。
- He is applying to the Consul for a visa. 他正向领事申请签证。
- First I went ascetic, soaking myself in Buddhism to extinguish my desires, to tear down the source of my aberrant nature. 首先我潜心修道,用佛教来洗涤我的私欲和消除我性向异常的劣根。
- CB: I remain a die-hard formalist. I think there are things specific to poetry that can only be done in poetry. 伯恩斯坦:我依然是一个顽固的形式主义者。我想诗歌中有些特别的东西,它们只能用于诗歌中。
- On the claim of the ontology, Methodlogy and history. Liu Zong Yuan use Buddhism to explain his ideas, but he hold firmly to Materialism outlook of life. 从本体论、识论、史要求看,柳宗元虽然利用佛学阐释其思想,但始终如一地坚持唯物主义一元论的世界观。
- SBA designs many diverse and lively Buddhist courses so as to assist us applying Buddhist concepts to our daily life. 桑耶精舍为了让佛法,能落实在现代人生活中,设计多元化的佛法学习课程。
- I feel much gratitude and deeply indebted to the Grand Master for his vision, devotion, Dana, and diligence to bring Buddhism to the U.S.A. and to all sentient beings. (非常感恩老和尚,感恩他老人家的远见、奉献、布施及精进,将佛法弘传至美国及所有的众生。
- Hampered by illness and poverty, he devoted himself to poetry and to music, becoming a flautist in a Baltimore orchestra. 他在贫病交迫之下献身于诗歌与音乐,做了巴尔的摩交响乐团的笛手。
- We are applying for a license to sell wine. 我们正申请执照卖酒。