- Comparative Study of the Curriculum System of Mechanical Engineering for Applied Talents Cultivation 机械类应用型人才培养课程体系比较研究
- applied talents cultivation 应用型人才培养
- Courses establishment determines the quality of talent cultivation and realization of the goal of talent cultivation. 课程设置关系到人才培养的规格、质量,以及人才培养目标的实现。
- Law clinic teaching method is more favorable to law science talent cultivation because of their peculiar advantage. 法律诊所教学方法由于其特有的优势,更有利于法学人才的培养。
- The culturing of creative thinking at primary school is the basis of talent cultivation. 而小学阶段培养学生的创新思维,是培养时代人才的基础。
- The high quality talent cultivation is an important target of our university in the 21(superscript st) century. 摘要培养高素质创新型人才是21世纪我国高校人才培养的重要目标。
- Training direction of amanuenses major in higher vocational college is applied talents. 摘要高职文秘专业培养应用型人才。
- It points out that practical talent cultivation is the fundamental model in high professional colleges. 指出工程实用型人才是大多数高职院校人才培养的基本模式。
- Vocational education is for the purpose of training applied talents with advanced technology. 高职教育是培养造就高级技术应用型人才为目的的。
- This paper puts forward following suggestions on talents cultivation pattern of garment specialty in vocational col-lege. 本文对高职服装专业人才培养的模式提出以下几点建议:一要及时准确把握行业信息;
- Teaching reform testing practice to train senioer applied talents of geoinformation data col-lacting and processing specialty with CBE-DACUM model is presented. 介绍采用CBE模式的DACUM方法,培养地理信息数据采集与处理专业高级应用性岗位人才的教学改革试点实践。
- The essay offers measurements for Heilongjiang province logistics from macro policies, talents cultivation, distribution center building and developing the third part logitics. 针对黑龙江省物流产业发展的现状及存在的问题,从宏观政策、才培养、送中心建设、展第三方物流等方面提出对策。
- The goal of teaching mode was fostering applied talents who can empolder new product using theory and skill of experiments of genetic engineering. 其目标是培养出具有基因操作理论知识,分子实验基本技能着重于产品开发的应用型人才。
- E. specialty in higher learning institutions must establish the mechanism which adapts with it of goal of talents cultivation,curriculum,course content and teaching methods. 作为体育教师培养摇篮的高等院校体育专业教育在人才培养目标、课程设置、教学内容和教学方法等方面都必须建立一种与之相适应的机制。
- The talents cultivated in our school are all over the country. 我校培养的人材遍布全国。
- Firmly abiding by the human-oriented employing mechanism, it spares no efforts to introduce talents while focusing on talent cultivation and team building. 坚定不移地遵守以人为本的用人机制,不遗余力地引进人才的同时,着眼于人才培养和队伍建设。
- The reform of tourism management professional course system and content of courses in university, must meet the professional compound and applied talents target positioning. 摘要高校旅游管理专业课程体系和教学内容改革,必须符合本专业复合型、应用型人才的培养目标定位。
- In addition, effects of practical teaching for the course influence on quality of talent cultivation for BEEE to a great extent. 另外,该课程的实践教学环节效果很大程度上影响着建环专业人才培养质量。
- How to cultivate the professional applied talents with practice ability needed by the market posts is the key of the teaching reform of the specialty of engineering management. 如何培养市场岗位需要的、具有实际动手能力的专业应用型人才是工程管理专业教学改革的重点。
- Nov. 16, 2006, Intel China Research Center (ICRC) postdoctoral workstation becomes a part of the national talent cultivation system. 2006年11月16日,英特尔中国研究中心(ICRC)举行博士后工作站正式宣告运行,成为国家人才培养体系的一部分。