- applied research topic 应用性课题
- Our current research topic is photosynthesis. 我们现在研究的课题是光合作用。
- I have a meeting with my supervisor about my research topic. 我要就我的研究课题同导师见一次面。
- And the use of PDEs in image processing is a new research topic. 而偏微分方程在图像处理中的应用是一个比较新的课题。
- The PHSnetwork optimizes also becomes one important research topic. 无线市话网络优化也成为一项重要的研究课题。
- Analysis of USB On-The-Go Operating Principle and Applied Research. 工作原理分析和应用研究。
- Heckman is also a leader of applied research in these areas. 他在这些领域进行的应用研究也具有领先地位。
- LBS,Location Based Service is a very hot research topic in recent years. 基于位置信息的服务(LBS,Location Based Service)是近两年来非常吸引人们关注的一个课题。
- Research topic options reflect ertain science appreciates dint and value. 摘要科研选题反映出一定的科学鉴赏力和价值观。
- The Applied Research Fund provides seed capital for technology ventures. 应用研究基金为科技研究提供基本经费。
- What Counts as Credible Evidence in Applied Research and Evaluation Practice? 应用研究和评估实践作为可信证据什么起作用?
- How do investigators identify research topics? 调查者如何确定研究主题?
- The application of Linux in low-end desktop system has been a hot research topic in recent years. Linux 在低端桌面系统上的应用是当前国内外研究的热点。
- Language disorder of autistic children is an important research topic in the field of autism as well as language study. 自闭症儿童的语言障碍问题是自闭症儿童发展和教育研究的重要组成部分。
- How to measure phase difference quickly is a main research topic on scientific research in production. 如何快速准确地测量出相位差也是生产科研中重要的研究课题。
- How to redesign the business process is the research topic of business process reengineering(BPR) currently. 如何进行企业过程再设计是当前企业过程再工程 (business process reengineering,BPR)的主要研究课题。
- We will further reform the management system for science and technology and deepen the reform of applied research institutes and non-profit research institutes. 进一步改革科技体制,深化应用型科研机构和社会公益型科研机构改革。
- So how to acquire knowledge from incompl-ete information system has been a crucial research topic recently. 因此,如何从不完备信息系统中获取知识已经成为当前的一个重要研究课题。
- Applied Research of Microorganism Monitoring in Treating Wastewater fromBeerFactory. 微生物监测在啤酒工业废水处理中的应用研究。
- The origin of dolomites is a research topic attracting great attention in sedimentology. 白云岩的成因是沉积学界倍受关注的研究主题;