- applied biology technology 应用生物技术
- This production uses mushroom as main material and use modern biology technology to process delicious alible drink. 本产品是以香菇为主要原料并采用现代生物工程技术加工而成的美味营养型饮品。
- This production use myshroom as main material and use modern biology technology to process delicious alible wine. 本产品是以香菇为主要原料并采用现代生物工程技术加工而成的美味营养型低度酒。
- When can China apply biology missile to treat cancer? 什么时候中国可以应用生物导弹治疗癌症?
- Gene array technology is a burgeoning molecular biology technology over recent years. 摘要基因芯片技术是近年来兴起的一种分子生物学技术。
- The following discussion summarizes the progresses of the revolution in biology technology. 其次又概括了20世纪的生物学技术革命所取得的进展;
- A lot of scholars are fatidical, 21 century will be the century of biology technology. 很多学者预言,21世纪将是生物技术的世纪。
- A collection of top biology technological sooth wrinkle code! 一个汇聚尖端生物科技的雪维平皱密码!
- They designed questionaries,aiming at the trend of domains of information technology,biology technology,new material and advanced fabrication technology. 针对信息技术、生物技术、新材料和先进制造技术领域未来发展趋势设计了调查问卷。
- Animalcule fermentation is the basis of bioengineering as well as modern biology technology and bioengineering industrialization. 微生物发酵是生化工程和现代生物技术及其产业化的基础。
- Ferment engineering is an important speciality curriculum of microbe engineering, biology pharmacy, biology engineering, biology technology. 摘要发酵工程是微生物工程、生物制药、生物工程、生物技术等专业的重要专业课,课程内容丰富、涉及面宽。
- This paper synthesized the proceedings in studies on main entomogenous fungi, Beauveria and Metarhizium, by means of molecular biology technology. 综合评述了用现代分子生物学技术研究白僵菌、绿僵菌等虫生真菌的进展。
- Adances in molecular biology technology allow DNA to be easily manipulated and make the implementation of noel DNA accine strategies possible. 先进的分子生物学技术使得DNA容易被操纵;也使得实现新的DNA疫苗策略成为可能.
- Animalcule fermentation engineering is the foundation of bioengineering as well as modern biology technology and bioengineering industrialization. 微生物发酵工程是生物工程和现代生物技术及其产业化的基础。
- Dobio Biology Technology Inc specializes in selling imported reagent, biological instruments ,chemical material and some expendable using in the lab. 上海迪奥生物科技有限公司,是一家专业经营进口试剂、仪器仪表、化工原料及实验室消耗品等的公司。
- Workshop on ion beam applied biology 离子束生物应用专题研讨会
- Conspicuous is, the wide application of the development of biology technology and its aborning will be agricultural science and technology.. 引人注目的是,生物技术的发展及其在生产中的广泛应用将为农业科学技术的...
- Current Japan is mixed in microelectronics, robot, photoelectron, superconduction the respect such as biology technology is in world ability.. 当今日本在微电子、机器人、光电子、超导和生物技术等方面都处于世界技...
- Organization for economic cooperation and development, shortened for OECD, says EPI is most valuable as same as biology technology and message technology. 经合组织OECD 研究指出,环保产业与生物技术、通讯技术并列为三大最有发展价值的领域。
- The new comer applied his mind to the job. 新来的职员工作专心致志。