- Introduction to Applied Numerical Analysis, Hemisphere Pub. 实用数值分析导论。
- SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis. 数学分析杂志。
- To simulate the problem,a numerical analysis method,FLAC3D is applied to analysis the depressurization range of sublevel caving method. 应用FLAC3D对分段崩落法的卸压范围进行了数值分析,据此确定出适于卸压的采场结构,由此形成了无底柱分段崩落法开采倾斜矿体的卸压开采方案。
- Above research result indicates that the similarity theory can be effectively applied to the numerical analysis of geotechnical engineering. 通过以上研究表明,相似理论可有效应用于岩土工程数值计算中。
- Russian Journal of Numerical Analysis and Mathematical Modelling. 俄罗斯数值分析与数学建模杂志。
- International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling. 国际数值分析与建模杂志。
- The simulation test on the ground validates the numerical analysis. 经地面模拟和实验验证,数值分析结果是正确的。
- A plan for the solution of a problem; consists of planning and coding, numerical analysis, systems analysis, specification of printing formats, and any other functions necessary to the integration of a computer in a system. 为解决某一问题而作出的计划,包括规划和编码、数值分析、系统分析、打印格式规定以及把计算机结合进一个系统所必需的其它功能。
- "This is the first time that anyone has applied numerical computer models to the bright deposits in gullies on Mars," Pelletier said. 佩尔蒂埃指出:“这是首次将数值计算机模拟技术运用于火星沟壑中明亮的沉积层上。”
- Numerical analysis of charged particle collection on charged droplets. 荷电雾滴表面带电尘粒捕集的数值分析。
- Numerical analysis results show that this method is effective and reasonable. 数值分析结果表明,这种融合方法是有效的。
- A numerical analysis of the distribution patterns of Chinese Viburnum. 中国荚__属分布式样的数值分析.
- It also gives the numerical analysis method using nodal Josephson Junction phase as the basic variable. Then this method is applied in transient simulation of a RSFQ buffer. And the phase and voltage waveform are given out. 文中从约瑟夫逊效应的等效模型出发 ,阐述了 RSFQ电路的基本基理及基于节点约瑟夫逊相位的数值模拟方法 ,并把它用于一个 RSFQ单向缓冲器的瞬态分析 ,给出了其相位和电压波形
- Santos,Reginaldo J. Preconditioning conjugate gradient with symmetric algebraic reconstruction technique (ART) in computerized tomography. Applied Numerical Mathematics,2003, 2:255-263. 冯连世李开钢.;运动员机能评定常用生理生化指标测试方法及应用
- Qian Jingen,Ni Guangzheng,Cheng Weiying.The single scalar magnetic potential method applied in numerical analysis on magnetostatic field[J].Proceedings of the CSEE,1995,15(4):228-233. [8]钱金根;倪光正;程卫英.;单标量磁位法在静态磁场数值计算中的应用[J]
- The development of subsurface flow in soil slope due to rainfall infiltration has been studied with numerical analysis. 摘要对降雨渗入坡面土壤所产生地下水流的进展过程进行了数值解析计算。
- A.Ciucci,et al. Numerical Analysis of Ignition Transients in Solid Rocket Motors. 余贞勇,固体火箭发动机翼槽内火焰传播机理研究,西北工业大学博士论文,2000.;3。
- However, whatever kind of numeral analysis is applied in the creation of poem, it makes special rhetoric contribution to the establishment of artistic conception. 然而,具体在一首诗歌的创作中,诗人们不管运用哪一种析数法都对诗歌意境的营造起到特殊的修辞效果。
- To avoid aimlessness in choosing design parameters, the variable permission scopes were computed and protracted by applying numerical method. 为避免机构综合过程中设计参数选取的盲目性,利用数值计算方法确定并绘制设计变量的可取值域。