- They are much of muchness in appearance and quality. 它们在外表和品质方面大同小异。
- The shear controlled orientation technology (SCOT) can eliminate welding line, inherent stress and gap ect. of moulder, and also can improve its appearance and quality. 剪切控制技术(SCOT),可消除制品熔接缝,改善外观质量,还可消除内在应力和空隙等缺陷,提高制品内在质量。
- The effect of fruit bagging with lightproof bags on the appearance and quality of "Chuhong" was studied.The results showed that fruit bagging improved the appearance of kiwifruit obviously. 摘要以红心猕猴桃品种“楚红”为试材,研究了不透光纸袋套袋对猕猴桃果实品质的影响。
- BOKE stainless steel hollow bathroom hangs, is during the guarantee outward appearance and quality, a section of economical practical product which promotes, the price is materially beneficial. BOKE不锈钢空心浴室挂件,是在保证外观与品质的同时,推出的一款经济实用的产品,价格实惠。
- TianLi closely following the market demands on designing clothes racks with constant innovating, therefore, the appearance and quality of the products have been powerfully optimized. 天利在服装挂衣架设计造型中,积极探索市场需求,每月均开发数款新产品,满足不同类型的服装卖场需求。
- Price and quality are the two chief considerations. 价格和品质是两个主要考虑的问题。
- Time, place, quantity and quality are categories. 时、空、质、量都是范畴。
- It was a bad year for films, in terms of both quantity and quality. 今年的电影无论从数量上还是质量上都说不上好。
- Nice in both appearance and temperament. 其长相和性情都很好。
- Potatoes are graded according to size and quality. 马铃薯按大小和质量分等级。
- He put in an appearance and then left. 他打了个照面儿就走了。
- Click on “Appearance and Personalization”. 点击“外观和个性化” 。
- I would guarantee delivery and quality. 我能够保证交货日期和质量。
- Apples are graded according to size and quality. 苹果是依照大小及品质分等级的。
- He could appear and greet her in due order. 到时候他会回来和她打招呼的。
- The documents varied in length and quality. 这些文件在篇幅和质量方面是各不相同的。
- In design and quality of manufacture they were outclassed by the Italians. 在产品设计和质量上,意大利人大大超过了他们。
- First you estimate their age by their appearance and mannerism. 首先,你从他们的外貌和言谈举止估算年龄;
- It's a question of both quantity and quality. 这个问题同时有关工作人员的质量和数量。
- Groundwater monitoring and quality assessment. 水文地质学:地下水监控与质量评价。