- The leading player is ill. Let his understudy to appear on the scene. 主角演员病了, 让他的替角出
- Government, law, property, and the state appeared on the scene. 政府、法律、财产以及国家便应运而生。
- The chief actor in the final drama now appeared on the scene. 这时,压轴戏的主角登场了。
- Muslims and Buddhists appeared on the scene after World War II. 穆斯林与佛教徒是在二次大战后才在美国出现的。
- Our reporter was the first person on the scene. 我们的记者是最先到达出事地点的。
- A fair lady appeared on the scene,as if she had dropped from the clouds. 一位美女突然出现在舞台上,如同从天上掉下来一般。
- By the time I came on the scene, it was all over. 我来到时,一切都结束了。
- When you appear on the scene, you are the lone psionic being in your region, or even the world. 当你出现在该场景中,你在本地,甚至全世界范围内是孤独的灵能生物。
- Buds appear on the trees in spring. 春天树木发芽了。
- The hot sun shone down on the scene. 烈日照射著这个地方。
- About, 5,000 B. C., or earlier, the traces of these primitive peoples cease, and the true Egyptians appear on the scene. 大约在公元前五千年或更早一些时候,这些原始民族的遗迹消失了,而真正的埃及人登上了舞台。
- The party concerned or an adult member of his family shall be present; their refusal to appear on the scene, however, shall not hinder the inspection. 当事人或者当事人的成年家属应当到场,拒不到场的,不影响勘验的进行。
- Reporters were soon on the scene after the accident. 那事故发生後不久记者就都赶到了现场。
- A running fight ensued in a heavy sea until the cruisers Hipper appeared on the scene. 在白浪滔天的大海中,双方进行了一场追逐战,直到巡洋舰“希佩尔”号突然来到了现场。
- The first down was beginning to appear on the young boy's face. 那小男孩的脸上渐渐长出了汗毛。
- A few may hastily drop a few coins into a beseeching palm,then execute a quick getaway in hopes that another 20 ragged pursuers won't immediately appear on the scene. 还有人急匆匆地把几个硬币丢在他们乞求的手掌里,就快速地离开,生怕马上又看见20多个衣服褴褛的乞丐追上来。
- The audience cheered en masse the moment they saw the famous singer appear on the stage. 观众们看见这位著名歌唱家出现在舞台上时,立即齐声欢呼起来。
- The actor rant the scene on the stage. 那名演员在台上瞎叫乱喊地演那一场戏。
- A ghostly figure appeared on the stage. 一个幽灵的身影出现在舞台上。
- Some appeared on the stage, while others pulled strings behind the scenes. 有人在前台表演,有人在幕后指挥。