- B disposition person, handle affairs leisurely, do not no hurry unbearably, have a well-thought-out plan, without apparent competition consciousness, glad to react with sadness neither is intense. b型性格者,办事慢条斯理,不慌不忙,胸有成竹,无明显竞争意识,高兴和悲伤反应皆不强烈。
- Certain problems were apparent from the outset. 有些问题从一开始就是显而易见的。
- It was apparent to all that he was guilty. 众所周知,他是有罪的。
- The competition entries were a very mixed bag. 参赛者是错落不齐的大杂烩。
- The apparent celestial origin of a meteoric shower. 流星群的辐射点明显的流星雨太空光源
- She won a competition in some newspaper or other. 她参加某报纸举办的比赛获胜。
- He only entered the competition for a dare. 他只是因为受人激将才参加竞赛。
- What created the apparent uniformity of characters? 是什么造成了这些显然相同的性格?
- He was on cloud nine after winning the competition. 他在比赛获胜後欣喜若狂。
- He was suspended from competition for three months. 他受到停止出赛三个月的处分。
- The company faces tough competition. 这家公司面临着艰难的竞争。
- This apparent interest of his in modern music is completely pseudo. 他对现代音乐显露出的雅兴纯属自欺欺人。
- Banking faces much competition nowadays. 如今,银行业面临许多竞争。
- Our team got through to the competition. 我们队打到能参加最后一轮比赛。
- Her apparent indifference made him even more nervous. 她表面上若无其事反而使他更加紧张。
- The athletes limbered up before the competition. 运动员们在比赛前作准备活动。
- He was the twentieth in the competition. 他在竞赛中名列第二十。
- We won 500, no less, in a competition. 我们在一场竞赛中赢了足足500英镑。
- She had many good qualities despite her apparent rudeness. 她粗鲁是粗鲁,但还有许多优秀品质。
- There was apparent disagreement between their stories. 他们的说法明显不一致。