- apical calcaria 端距
- Seeds numerous, flat, apical end winged. 种子多数,平,顶端末端具翅。
- Ovary with apical, elongate portion ca. 4 cm. 子房具顶生,延长部分达4厘米。
- Sepals triangular, without apical rostellum. 萼片三角形,没有顶端蕊喙。
- Style surpassing nutlets but not apical prickles. 花柱超过小坚果但不是顶端的皮刺。
- Other Titles: Are Suchow Apical Vowels Tagetless? 苏州话的舌尖元音是否有标的?
- Carpels shortly stipitate, apical beak filiform. 心皮具短柄,顶端具喙。
- Sepal apex without an apical appendage. 萼片先端没有一顶端附属物。
- Labellum obovate, large, apical margin undulate. 唇瓣倒卵形,大的,顶端的边缘波状。
- Sepal apex with a barbate apical appendage. 萼片先端具一具髯毛的顶端附属物。
- Effects of apical transportation on seal of root canal fillings. 根管偏移对充填材料封闭根管能力的影响。
- Bracteoles 2, persistent, inserted on apical portion of pedicel. 小苞片2,宿存,着生于花梗的顶端部分。
- Hypanthium obconic, ca. 2.5 mm, apical part ampliate. 托杯倒圆锥形,大约2.;5毫米,顶部膨大。
- Calyx lobes inconspicuous, apical margins of hypanthium incurved. 萼裂片不明显,托杯的顶端的边缘弯曲。
- It has APIC BBS,the users can discuss IP,APIC and other topics. 并建有APIC论坛,用户可以就知识产权、亚太工业产权中心等话题进行讨论。
- The apical membrane of the epithelial cells is apparently essential. 上皮细胞的顶膜显然是必要的。
- The outer layer of apical meristem, from which the epidermis is formed. 表皮原顶端分生组织的外层,表皮就是从这里形成的
- Ege[8] said, no one will challenge Calcar’s draftsmanship by created Versalius Fabrica. 视觉经验与艺术性是 数码插图最重要的一部分。
- Cemented bipolar hemiarthroplasties with retain calcar for intertrochanteric fracture in the senile[J]. 引用该论文 张健;安洪;周爱国;孟纯阳.
- The outer layer of apical meristem,from which the epidermis is formed. 表皮原顶端分生组织的外层,表皮就是从这里形成的。