- Exploring the Ways of Entering the Important Thought of"Three Representatives" into the Apartments of College Students "三个代表"重要思想进公寓途径探索
- Of, for, or typical of college students. 高校学生的高校学生的,大学程度的
- The curator has mentored a lot of college students. 这位馆长教导了很多大学生。
- Senior year: President of College Student Council. 四年级:校学生会主席。
- apartments of college students 大学生公寓
- The number of college students this year increased by 80%. 今年大学生的人数增加了80%25。
- Study on the Features of College Students'Attitude to P. E. 关于大学生体育态度特点的研究。
- A lot of college students took part in the movement last year. 去年很多大学生参加了那个运动。
- The library is a favorite haunt of college students. 图书馆是大学生们常去的地方。
- The Introduction of Ideological Political Work into the Apartment of College Students 思想政治工作进大学生公寓的探讨与尝试
- It is found that 70% of college students have part-time jobs. 已查明,有70%25的大学生做兼职工作。
- Attaching Importance to the Persuation of College Students'Mental Health in PE. 关于高校体育教育中大学生心理健康疏导的探讨。
- The application of cooperative study of college students is investigated. 摘要对在大学生中开展合作学习进行了实验研究。
- Coping style was a effective predictor of college students' subjective -being. 主观幸福感和应对方式均存在性别的差异;
- The dietary intake and nutritional status of college students were investigate. 通过膳食调查了解在校大学生膳食营养状况。
- Objective To study the SWB level of college students and it s social factors. 目的探讨大学生的主观幸福感水平及某些社会学因素的影响。
- College students have the run of the university library. 大学生可以自由地使用大学的图书馆。
- Four years of college gave her considerable polish. 四年的大学教育使她更加完美。
- She attended the summer session of college. 她上大学的暑期班。
- On the average,the number of college students for every 10,000 people increased from 8.9 in 1978 to 32.8 in 1999. 每一万人中大学生平均人数由1978年的8.;9人增加到1999年的32