- The diagnosis of imperforate anus is made by inspection of the perineum. 肛门闭锁的诊断靠会阴的望诊即可。
- anus perineum 下极
- The dumbbell like white keratotic existed in vulva, perineum and around anus. 皮损主要表现为外阴、会阴及肛周有呈哑铃状角化白色斑片;
- A perianal gland tumor is a type of tumor found near the anus in dogs that arises from specialized glandular tissue found in the perineum. 肛周腺肿瘤是一种发现在犬类肛门附近的肿瘤,由会阴内的特别的腺体组织引发。
- Inflammation of the rectum or anus. 直肠炎肛门或直肠的炎症
- Redness at perineum area or swelling. 会阴部发红或有胀痛现象。
- The gut is complete, with a mouth and anus. 有口有肛门,内脏为完全消化管。
- Of, relating to, or near the anus. 肛门属于、关于或接近肛门的
- Insertion of the penis into the vagina or anus. (性交时)将阴茎插入阴道或肛门
- Ph: I et one into your anus (vagina) every night. 每晚塞一个在肛门(阴道)内。
- How can ability make anus retractile? 怎么才能让肛门伸缩自如?
- B. Gently separate buttocks and locate anus. 轻轻分开臀部露出肛门。
- The coccyx also supports the position of the anus. 尾椎骨还对于肛门的部位起到了支撑。
- The operative manoeuvre in performing TME is introduced according to the anatomy of perineum, anus, colorectum, peritoneum, pelvic fasica, vasculars, nerves and ureters. 本文根据会阴、肛管、直肠、结肠、膈膜、盆筋膜、血管、神经、输尿管的解剖介绍直肠系膜全切除的手法技巧。
- Pure yellow poplar leaves as students in ANU. 纯黄色的杨树叶,如同校园里的学生一样单纯。
- Thus, a man may greatly arouse a woman by licking the inside of her thighs, the space between the sex organs and the anus (the perineum), and the anus itself. 因而,男子通过舔吮女子的大腿内则、舔吮性器官与肛门之间的区域(会阴)及其肛门本身,可以极大地唤起女子的性欲。
- Lord NANNA, of the Race of ANU, hear me! 王者南纳,以阿努造物之名,聆听吾!
- ANU , UNSW , Monash, U Melbourne. 现在很苦恼究竟选哪间才好.
- How to Conduct Perineum Nursing for Leukemia Patients? 怎样为白血病病人进行会阴护理?
- Note lacerations of cervix, vagina, rectum, perineum. 记录宫颈、阴道、直肠和会阴的裂伤情况。