- antiquum opus 毛石墙
- The violinist played his own opus, No. 16. 这位提琴家演奏他自己的第十六号乐曲。
- His latest offering is a magnum opus on philosophy. 他的最新作品是一部关于哲学的巨著。
- Zhongshan Opus Sanitary Ware Co., Ltd. 中山市欧博斯卫浴设备有限公司
- The queues who visit the opus each day. 每日排队参观作品的队伍。
- Tchaikovsky's opus 11 is his String Quartet No.1. 柴可夫斯基作品11是第一号弦乐四重奏。
- This magnum opus took ten years to complete. 这部巨著历时十年方始告成。
- My name is Silas.I am an Opus Dei numerary. 我叫塞拉斯,是天主事工会的成员。"
- So, the next couple days wait for his new opus“ BLOOD RED”. 那么,接下来让我们期待他的新作品“血色迷雾”。
- It can't fill in the indivedual study to Wu Mingshi's opus. 然而,这种对无名氏创作的群落性划分,并不能替代对其创作个体独特性的研究。
- No opus information provided for the signing certificate. 没有为签名证书提供任何作品信息。
- He spent overall twenty years in editing the magnum opus. 他花了整整二十年编辑那部巨着。
- Opus Dei is a personal prelature of the Pope himself. 天主事工会是一个教皇个人的教区。
- Quant's greatest opus was her mass-marketed miniskirt. 特上最伟大的作品是她的大众市场超短裙。
- The Opus Dei numerary who had welcomed Silas answered the line. 接电话的,是刚才接待塞拉斯的天主事工会的那个人。
- The most wonderful is Opus 18th the "Great Brilliant Waltz". 最棒的是作品18号.;(大华丽圆舞曲)
- Xinjiang Opu Lighting Electronic Apparatus Co., Ltd. 新疆欧普照明电器有限公司。
- In this OPU, we use a triplet lens to collimate the laser beam. 在该系统中,我们采用三片式准直镜来对光束进行准直。
- Before the musician made a name for himself, his friends had faith in his opus. 在这位音乐家成名之前,他的朋友们都对他的作品充满信心。
- Karl Marx's magnum opus" The Capital" includes abundant ideas of human capital. 马克思的巨著《资本论》中的有关理论包涵着丰富的人力资本思想。