- Application: general tonic, anti oxidant, anti cancer. 气 血虚寒,阳虚手足冰冷。
- GEN caused DNA damage but not due to oxidant effect. GEN导致细胞DNA断裂,但不是由其氧化效应引起。
- Under the condition of constant temperature, Ginger Essential oil was used as a anti oxidant to concentrated fish oil. 在一定的强化保存条件下,考察了姜油对浓缩鱼油抗氧化能力。
- Under the condition of constant temperature, Ginger Essential oil was used as an anti oxidant to concentrated fish oil. 在一定的强化保存条件下,考察了姜油对浓缩鱼油的抗氧化能力。
- Olives says Shirley "are only just touching the surface with research, they are a powerful anti oxidant and beneficial with cholesterol and skin conditions. 雪莉说,“研究只涉及了橄榄的表面,橄榄是效力强大的抗氧化剂,对于胆固醇和皮肤病有效果。
- This is a conventional beauty remedy and also a very secretive anti oxidant concept. It contains Bromelin and Papaine to help exfoliate dead cells from the skin. 可以治疗及预防皮肤过早老化,减少紫外线辐射造成的红斑,连带细纹,黑色素都逐渐减少,它更是角质更新的有效成份。
- The mechanism of anti oxidative activity of Ginger essential oil was also discussed. 在实验基础上,还对姜油的抗氧化机理进行了探讨。
- Deodorization effect is high. Because oxidization effect has large touchable square measure, it can handle a large number of odor effectly. 除臭效果高,由于氧化反应接触面积大,可以有效的处理大量的臭气。
- In addition, jewelry alloys used in wax setting and casting must have the properties of low melting temperature, good fluidity and anti oxidization properties. 用于蜡镶铸造的合金应具有较低的熔点、较好的流动性及抗氧化性能等。
- Variation of rate of expansion of the anti oxidation coating with temperature was determined and compared with that of steel. 探讨了此涂料随温度变化其热膨胀速率的变化情况,并且与钢质材料作了对比;
- CONCLUSION: Our results indicate that Hcy has a strong oxidizing effect, which may be one of its major mechanism for injury of EC. 结论:同型半胱氨酸可能是通过氧化应激机制导致内皮细胞出现坏死,凋亡等损伤的改变。
- To improve the stability of nano Liuwei Dihuang particles and anti oxidation of effective components, the glutin microcapsules are prepared. 为提高纳米粒子的稳定性和防止有效成分的氧化, 以明胶作囊材,以纳米六味地黄为芯材,采用喷雾干燥的方法制备了六味地黄明胶微囊。
- The star anise oil had good antimicrobial,insecticidal activity and antifree radical oxidation effect,it was nature food preservative and antistaling agent. 八角茴香精油具有较好的抑菌、杀虫活性和抗自由基氧化作用,可作为食品天然防腐剂和保鲜剂。
- Bering found that the micro content interim metals can speedup the oil oxidation. Sorbic acid, glycin and citric acid are used as anti oxidation agents. Bering人提出的油脂中存在痕量过渡金属加速氧化的原理 ;利用山梨酸、甘氨酸和柠檬酸为螯合剂 ;对样品的抗氧化性能进行了研究 .
- Chiang L.C., Chang J.E., Wen, T.C. (1995),“Indirect oxidation effect in electrochemical oxidation treatment of landfill leachate”, Wat. Res. 29(2):671-678. 吕明和、张祖恩(1999),电解法处理含重金属垃圾渗出水之可行性研究,第二十四届废水处理技术研究会:565-570,中华民国环境工程学会,中坜。
- Olive oil's almost miraculous powers are thanks to the fact that it is very rich in chemicals called anti oxidants which repair cell damage caused by rogue molecules called free radicals. 橄榄油如此神奇的力量,是由于它可以大量制作一种叫抗氧化剂的化学物质,它能修复由离群的微小颗粒(游离原子团)所引起的细胞损害。
- The polysaccharide extracts from Z.mioga could inhibit the oxidation effect of animal fat and vegetable oil effectively. 茗荷多糖提取物可以有效地抑制动植物油脂的氧化作用。
- So Professor Masamitsu Ichihashi and his colleagues from the Kobe University School of Medicine in Japan decided to find out if olive oil, which is a potent source of anti oxidants, provides UV protection. 日本神户大学医学院的正光一桥教授和他的同事们,决定要证实橄榄油作为一种有效的抗氧化剂的来源,是否可用来防紫外线辐射。
- The influence of polysaccharide extracted from Oolong tea(OTPS) on hepaticnephritic anti oxidation and histomorphology in mice with streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetes(MD) was investigated. 利用链脲佐菌素(STZ)复制糖尿病大鼠模型,研究乌龙茶多糖对糖尿病大鼠肝肾抗氧化功能和组织形态变化的影响。
- The results show that thiol can be oxidized effectively by hydrogen peroxide, and adding oxidation modification agent can significantly improve the effect of oxidation. 实验结果表明,双氧水可以有效地将汽油中的硫醇氧化,并且添加促氧剂能明显改善双氧水的作用效果。