- Countless washer women have rubbed the stone away. 无数洗衣者的搓洗将那块石头磨掉了。
- The washer for preventing leakage is broken. 那个防漏的垫圈坏了。
- I washed many clothes with my washer last night. 我昨晚用洗衣机洗了很多衣服。
- Men were loosing off at shadows. 士兵向黑影射击。
- They're completely anti the new proposals. 他们完全反对新的提议。
- Hikers loosing their packs at camp. 远足者们在营地解下背包
- The washer and dryer are not included in the price of the house. 房价里不包括洗衣机和烘乾机。
- The latest model of this washer is now on sale in your shops. 这种最新型号的洗衣机目前正在你们的商店中出售。
- I can't hold out much longer-- I must find a loo. 我小便忍不住了我得去找个厕所。
- He never criticized his boss because he was afraid of loosing his job. 他从不批评他的老板,因为他怕丢掉工作。
- The loo table, however, did not appear. 不过这一回却没有看见有人打“禄牌”。
- They have always been anti colonialism. 他们一直是反对殖民主义的。
- He earns a precarious living as a window washer. 他靠做擦窗工维持着朝不保夕的生活。
- Okay. But I got to go to the loo first. 好。但我要先去一下洗手间。
- This new washer carries a two year guarantee. 这台新洗衣机附带了两年的保修证。
- ERROR PARTIAL RESPONSE LOO ping. 错误提示:部分循环响应错误。
- The upperend rests against a flat washer. 上端紧靠固定垫上。
- Loo = a hole in a raised platform. 厕所??抬高的平台上的一个洞。
- Shall I put some anti freeze in the radiator? 要不要在散热器里注入一些防冻剂?
- There is a washer and a dryer in the basement. 地下室里有洗衣机和烘干机。