- Our Pocket Ashtray and Gum Pouch are reusable anti litter device to help with the problem of chewing gum and cigarette butts. 我们的口袋烟灰缸和口香糖袋是可重复使用的防垃圾装置,以帮助这个问题的口香糖和烟头。
- There was litter strewn all over the pavement. 人行道上到处都是扔的垃圾。
- There were piles of litter in the streets. 街道上垃圾成堆。
- Our cat has a litter of four kittens. 我们家的猫一窝养了4只小猫。
- Please put your litter in the bin provided. 请你把废物扔到预备好的垃圾箱里。
- Any person found leaving litter will be prosecuted. 禁扔垃圾,违者必究。
- They're completely anti the new proposals. 他们完全反对新的提议。
- There were piles of litter on the streets. 街上有一堆一堆的废弃物。
- His dog hasn't had a litter of puppies. 他的狗还没有生过一窝小狗。
- Even abe smiled, but only a litter and not for long. 甚至艾贝也笑了,但是仅仅一会儿而不是很长时间。
- Her desk was covered in a litter of books and papers. 她的书桌上都是乱七八糟的书和纸。
- It is antisocial to leave one's litter in public places. 在公众场所遗弃杂物是妨害公众利益的。
- They have always been anti colonialism. 他们一直是反对殖民主义的。
- Mike is calling a fortune telling hotline. 麦克在打算命热线。
- Our supervision hotline is 2766492. 我局的监督电话是2766492。
- Or call their enquiry hotline 2921 2222. 或致电查询热线2921 2222。
- Or contact our Hotline on 2921 6633. 或致电热线2921 6633。
- Selfish picnickers litter the beach with food wrappers. 自私的野餐者乱扔包装纸使海滩杂乱不堪
- Education Value Adding Hotline Epi. 教育升值专线。
- He disliked the litter of human dwellings. 他不喜欢住处搞得乱七八糟。